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Re: manually entering data

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You can easily create a new data file by using wordpad.  Transfer the data
to wordpad and use a save as text format.  Once you have it saved, copy the
target address of the file and use the "insert price data" (ts4) or "insert
symbol" in ts5.  Assuming you have ts5, click on "3rd party directory" and
"new directory".  Click "ascii" and "browse".  Once you have the new
directory, your file should be listed under symbol in the "insert symbol"
window.  Then just choose the correct data settings and you should be able
to plot the chart.  This can be a pain at times finding the right field
order, but it works.  Then you can manually update the file after saving and
closing the workspace, then reopen once you have the new data saved.
Sometimes this has not worked and the new data does not show, so highlight
and save as to a T1' file and do the same back to your T1 file, and you
should see the data when you open the workspace again.  As you can tell, the
TS programmers did not make this an easy process.  Write me if you have
problems with the proceedure.

You can use this same process for creating continuous contracts, but you
have to use the data window from a chart with the time frame of data you
want to save and no indicators active, then R click on the data window and
"send to file" to save the data to a text file.  Then just use two open
windows of Wordpad and copy and paste from the new data just saved from the
data window to the other wordpad which has your continuous contract open.  I
update about 7 continuous 5m files weekly and also maintain one continuous
1m file.  However, to optimize 3 yrs of 1m data, you have an 18 mb file and
you need a supercomputer to opt more than 2 paramentes at once, but a new
1.5gigHz Pentium4 would help.

Hopefully this is helpful to you and others, as creating continuous
contracts baffeled me for a long time til I got the tip about using the data
window and dual wordpads.

Good luck,


----- Original Message -----
From: <mking@xxxxxxxx>
To: <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 5:59 PM
Subject: manually entering data

>Hi all,
> I am trying to manually enter data from a fictional stock so that I can
>look at the chart. I had decided to name it "T1". I placed the data in
>the downloader by typing in securities and adding another directory to
>the directory list. I then clicked on add sec and added securities T1,
>T2, etc. Back in the securities box I typed Edit Data and typed in the
>data bars. Despite this, I can't open up the data in super charts. Are
>there other steps that I must do? I only want to look at entered data
>and not downloaded data for now. I'm taking a class and they gave me
>this data to post.
>Thanks for any help,

Thought I answered this once,  but I guess I sent it to cyber oblivion.

I don't follow exactly what you are doing.  But I used to have to make or
otherwise obtain a text file of the symbol I wanted and import that into the
data manager.  It needs at least 3 days data and see your manual for the
proper format of a text file. Once that is in the data manager,  you can
manually add data to it with no problem.  I was never able to just create a
new data file in the data manager.  Weird,  but just the way it is.
