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Re: Omega or Traderware???

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

An interesting concept. I wonder whether the diverse needs and biases of 
traders  could be met with an open source project. There are after all very 
few complete application systems available today, arising from the open 
source model.

I don't want to get into a heated discussion about open source, lets just 
say I do not consider the works of GNU, Apache and similar efforts as 
'Applications for end users' - they are development tools and environments.

I suppose a high end charting and trading solution can be somewhat lumped 
into this category, since it needs to be an extensible, programmable 
environment. But the user community looks more like Word and Excel users 
than Visual Basic and C++ users, and in that respect they differ.

Proportionately, there are probably not enough developers and development 
process folks (design, planning, management, quality control, etc) in our 
community to staff the team.

But rather than be wholly negative, I think its an interesting concept and 
perhaps there's more support out there for this than I could guess at. I'm 
certainly interested in being interested... ;)

The benevolent dictator model might work better than Open Source, probably, 
but finding the appropriate group or individual to take on that role may be 
difficult. Coups may be bloodless but painful in their frequency.

Although I hope any such product would be an open environment in terms of 
feeds, as you couldn't pay me to use Quote.com.


At 04:44 PM 3/24/2001 -0500, I4Lothian@xxxxxxx wrote:
>If parties on this list were interested in buying a trading platform company,
>you should be considering Traderware as well.
>First let me state though that I don't say this from a completely subjective
>basis.  I have been in talks with Charles Hargrave and Steve Yates to
>represent them to license the Traderware product to potential resellers.  I
>have not yet signed an agreement though.
>Charles and Steve are wanting to license the product to some entity.  I have
>tentatively approached a couple of banks, brokerage firms and quote vendors
>about the product.
>Actually, there are two products.  One is the full bodied Traderware, which
>runs on a quote.com feed.  The second is Traderware Lite, which connects to
>another feed which escapes me, (NAQ?).  Traderware light was designed for
>brokerage firms and systems trading operations which want to offer canned
>hard programmed systems, with no backtesting or VB programing capability.
>One of the most vexing problems for Traderware is that it needs to develop a
>user community committed to furthering the product.  We have such a community
>right here.
>John J. Lothian
>Disclosure: Futures trading involves financial risk, lots of it!

Michael Watkins
Chief Technical Officer