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Re: Globex S&Ps Trading?

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In a message dated 10/22/00 8:24:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
I4Lothian@xxxxxxx writes:

<< Trading was halted.  Senior Management at the CME was called in to resolve 
 the technology problems as well as the trade issues.  The off the record 
 hearsay information I was given said 500 orders or 500 contracts are being 
 looked at.   Some trades may well be busted, even if you entered your order 
 tonight.  Stay tuned, or contact your broker.  Patience is a requisite.
 John J. Lothian >>

The e-mini tick chart was doing a wild dance from about 5:30 to 5:35 Chicago 
time.  There were changes as large as 5 handles between ticks.  The range was 
1398 - 1420 in this short interval.  I admit to wondering just what the heck 
was going on.  The SP looked a bit on the "volatile" side but not nearly as 
bad as the e-mini.  You think this might be associated with the "trade" 
problem you were referring to?  I can't recall seeing those kind of moves 
absent some earthshaking news someplace.  I looked outside and the trees were 
stll all standing and the earth wasn't shaking so CA was apparently safe.  
Even CNN was quiet.  So I did what I do best.  I shrugged my shoulders and 
stopped worrying about it.  No dog in THAT fight, thank goodness.

Lee Scharpen