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Fwd: TS4.0 installation from hell

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I am forwarding this to the list for a friend that is having a real problem.  
Please help if you can.

In a message dated 06/26/2000 4:41:49 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
mguess@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

<< I recently DL-ed Dynastore, a utility that allows Tradestation users to
 feed Quotecom data in realtime to TS 4.0 or 2000i. As a former BMI user
 I welcomed the lower cost & faster data delivery that QC offered. In
 fact, I've been using it for some time in other apps. Dynastore finally
 made it possible for me to use TS again after a layoff since last
 October. Or so I thought.
 You see I originally neglected to include the Signal server in my
 original installation (TS 3.5) because I wanted to save space (HD's
 weren't so big then). Now I regret my ommission as I must reinstall TS
 completely to regain that Signal server much needed by Dynastore to
 function properly.
 After checking w/ Omega support I was assured that by starting w/ the
 last installation CD I had (b19.6) all my workspaces, etc. would be
 intact. But to make sure, I burned a copy of my entire Omega folder in
 my trusty HP 9100i CD-ROM burner. I then proceeded w/ the installation.
 I need to emphasize I had also once installed Safesoft, a utility that
 allows TS users to dispense w/ that bothersome security block,  3 or 4
 years ago. It's been so long ago (and the company is also out of
 business) that I had no guidance on whether the strange things SS did to
 my registry would in any way interfere w/ this installation.
 I got warning messages & error messages after I upgraded from 19.6 to
 b21 (DL-ed from the Omega site). The reinstalled 19.6 worked fine, but
 the b21 didn't. So, I called support again. Three agonizing, numbing
 hours later I'm no better off. After failing to get it to work, the
 support person instructed me to totally delete all Omega files from my
 HD. I was understandably nervous about this but did so. All in the name
 of a "clean install". It didn't work. Several more attempts & finally
 the installation (19.6) was completed. On to 21, and eventually to 27 I
 thought. Not so, For some reason it asked for my security block.
 Frustrated as I was, I went & fetched it from my safe. Got it
 piggybacked on the backs of 2 other abominal devices like it (from other
 vendors) & resumed. Still no luck. We tried dispensing w/ the other
 blocks. No good. Even the printer cable. No good. We wrote stuff to the
 registry (changed the SSI_ACT from 10,10,10 to 2,2,2). Directed things
 differently re the printer port. I've lost track of everything we did.
 Finally, support threw in the towel. Said they'd send me a new block &
 CD. I know my CD works because it has all along. So did the block.
 My suspicion is that somehow my registry is FUBAR due to "support's"
 intrusions & whatever happened during the installation. With a friend's
 help I tried determining which sys.ini lines probably referred to what
 SafeSoft did -- and I remmed out the lines. Still no change.
 I still have the entire Omega folder in back-up. How helpful that will
 be I don't know since lots of things happen in the registry, etc. during
 an installation. I don't have much confidence in Omega right now & can
 hardly believe after the $$$'s I've spent I'm at the point where 1000's
 of hrs of time spent crafting workspaces, etc. are going up in smoke.
 Backup you say? Other than the Omega folder? I had been doing a crude
 batch file bu to another HD on a daily basis through last Friday but had
 to stop then while I got my CD burner to work correctly (my goal was to
 use it as a bu device eventually). So, my last bu isn't totally current.
 Does anyone have a miracle to spare?

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To: Lynn Green <MRLYNNG@xxxxxxx>
Subject: TS4.0 installation from hell
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Below is a summary of my trials w/ trying to get TS 4.0 reinstalled.



I recently DL-ed Dynastore, a utility that allows Tradestation users to
feed Quotecom data in realtime to TS 4.0 or 2000i. As a former BMI user
I welcomed the lower cost & faster data delivery that QC offered. In
fact, I've been using it for some time in other apps. Dynastore finally
made it possible for me to use TS again after a layoff since last
October. Or so I thought.

You see I originally neglected to include the Signal server in my
original installation (TS 3.5) because I wanted to save space (HD's
weren't so big then). Now I regret my ommission as I must reinstall TS
completely to regain that Signal server much needed by Dynastore to
function properly.

After checking w/ Omega support I was assured that by starting w/ the
last installation CD I had (b19.6) all my workspaces, etc. would be
intact. But to make sure, I burned a copy of my entire Omega folder in
my trusty HP 9100i CD-ROM burner. I then proceeded w/ the installation.

I need to emphasize I had also once installed Safesoft, a utility that
allows TS users to dispense w/ that bothersome security block,  3 or 4
years ago. It's been so long ago (and the company is also out of
business) that I had no guidance on whether the strange things SS did to
my registry would in any way interfere w/ this installation.

I got warning messages & error messages after I upgraded from 19.6 to
b21 (DL-ed from the Omega site). The reinstalled 19.6 worked fine, but
the b21 didn't. So, I called support again. Three agonizing, numbing
hours later I'm no better off. After failing to get it to work, the
support person instructed me to totally delete all Omega files from my
HD. I was understandably nervous about this but did so. All in the name
of a "clean install". It didn't work. Several more attempts & finally
the installation (19.6) was completed. On to 21, and eventually to 27 I
thought. Not so, For some reason it asked for my security block.
Frustrated as I was, I went & fetched it from my safe. Got it
piggybacked on the backs of 2 other abominal devices like it (from other
vendors) & resumed. Still no luck. We tried dispensing w/ the other
blocks. No good. Even the printer cable. No good. We wrote stuff to the
registry (changed the SSI_ACT from 10,10,10 to 2,2,2). Directed things
differently re the printer port. I've lost track of everything we did.
Finally, support threw in the towel. Said they'd send me a new block &
CD. I know my CD works because it has all along. So did the block.

My suspicion is that somehow my registry is FUBAR due to "support's"
intrusions & whatever happened during the installation. With a friend's
help I tried determining which sys.ini lines probably referred to what
SafeSoft did -- and I remmed out the lines. Still no change.

I still have the entire Omega folder in back-up. How helpful that will
be I don't know since lots of things happen in the registry, etc. during
an installation. I don't have much confidence in Omega right now & can
hardly believe after the $$$'s I've spent I'm at the point where 1000's
of hrs of time spent crafting workspaces, etc. are going up in smoke.
Backup you say? Other than the Omega folder? I had been doing a crude
batch file bu to another HD on a daily basis through last Friday but had
to stop then while I got my CD burner to work correctly (my goal was to
use it as a bu device eventually). So, my last bu isn't totally current.

Does anyone have a miracle to spare?
