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Re: Analyzing TraderGirl [subject: the IRS]

  • To: <fritz@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Analyzing TraderGirl [subject: the IRS]
  • From: "[ tradergirl ]" <tradergirl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 16:55:44 -0700
  • In-reply-to: <200005221849.MAA86637@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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Either way Fritz, I am not paying taxes.  I am smart, I am fast, and if they
want to try and get me, I can disappear in a flash, with money in multiple
places.  If we all decided to be so hip, and not face them in tax court, but
slip out of the system and become legendary traders in foreign exotic lands.

Club Fed is YOUR possible reality.  It is not mine.  If I get a summons or
something or have some indication they are after me, I am a ghost.  Do you
get it?  I am not someone bad because I evade taxes.  I am someone who
doesn't give a flying [YOU KNOW] about some system of telling me: You pay X
or you go to jail.


You get it?  But you will not knock it, because it is the reality you

Next time you fill out your tax forms, just realize, I am not doing what you
are doing.  Perhaps then you'll realize there is another way, the way to
being who you can ultimately become, without a 30% burden on your shoulders.

Take off the weights, and fly free Gary. . .

You can do marvels if you uncondition your responses to reality.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary Fritz" <fritz@xxxxxxxx>
To: "[ tradergirl ]" <tradergirl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Analyzing TraderGirl

> > Can someone either privately or publically analyze me?  I never
> > really know what people think of my personality as I usually cause
> > so much disturbance wherever I go and get people so hot under the
> > collar, I don't really know if it is just issues that are driving
> > them crazy, or my personality.
> Some of both.  The issues raise a lot of hackles when people see you
> recommending things (not filing tax returns, hiding income overseas,
> etc) that will get you (and anyone who follows your advice) tossed in
> the slammer if you ever get caught.  ("Club Fed" is not just a cute
> phrase.  There are plenty of people in prison for a very long time
> for doing exactly what you suggest.  Pray you don't get caught or
> you'd be in there with them.)
> Your personality adds to it.  You feel you know everything, or that's
> how it comes off.  You sound like a smart-ass know-it-all sometimes.
> You should consider that perhaps, just perhaps, other people might
> know things too -- and *gasp* your opinions might even be wrong
> sometimes.
> There are lots of people on this list who have been around the block
> a lot more times than you have, and have seen things you have not
> seen.  Just because YOU haven't seen somebody go to jail for tax
> evasion doesn't mean it doesn't happen, and it doesn't mean it can't
> happen to YOU.
> Little kids think they're invulnerable until they get knocked around
> a few times and discover they can actually break an arm or something
> like that.  Then they play a little more cautiously because they
> learned that pain HURTS, and maybe jumping off the roof isn't such a
> great idea after all.  Older kids think they're invulnerable until
> THEY get knocked around and discover they can get caught or get hurt
> by what they're doing -- unprotected sex, drunk driving, whatever.
> Old farts have BEEN knocked around, and/or have seen plenty of others
> knocked around, and they decide (more often than the kids, anyway)
> it's not worth the risk.
> It's sort of like insurance, or a seat belt.  You could drive for
> years with no seat belt, and laugh at the stupid old fogeys who belt
> themselves in.  Why tie yourself down like that, you wonder.  But
> **IF** you ever got into a wreck, that belt could make the difference
> between a few cuts&bruises, and death or a lifetime of pain and
> disability.  If that happens (and you live through it), you might
> decide maybe those old fogeys weren't so stupid after all.  But by
> then it'd be a bit too late.
> Same thing if you wind up in tax court.
> Gary
> PS:
> > Need to talk with someon privately you has used WOA extensively.
> > I have an idea to modify the .ela code to produce something even more
> > efficient. Would like to work with a fellow programmer if possible to
> > test the theories, but it is not necessary.
> I haven't seen the current versions of WOA, but the older versions I
> saw were garbage.  Nothing useful there that I could see, at least
> not useful to me.  Maybe it would be to a more discretionary trader.
> Also see http://www.cftc.gov/opa/enf99/4320-99.htm, if you care what
> the feds think about it.