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One other thing that might or might not help much for TS4(BMI) is to go into
the exchange universe and disable(uncheck) all the M-F for exchanges BMI no
longer sends data for, like foreign exchanges.  At least your server won't
be setting up a collection needlessly.  It will do this even if there are no
symbols in the portfolio for that exchange.


----- Original Message -----
From: BobR <bobrabcd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <Odd@xxxxxxxx>; <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2000 5:00 AM

> Your counts compare rather closely to those of mine(25 to 25% daily) over
> the last two months with traders with a wide variety of computers and
> and locations.  Here is a rambling summary of my search for what causes
> tick loss and what has been done to increase the count.  The bottleneck IS
> in the BMI data manager and or the way the GS hooks into it.  Fact is when
> you switch data feeds from BMI to DTN the tick counts on TS2K then exceed
> that of TS4 on BMI.  Not only that, with two computers and monitors
> side by side, BMI(TS4) lags DTN(TS2ki) by 7 seconds to a minute or more
> of the time.  I have never seen BMI(TS4) lead DTN(TS2ki). There are times
> when both feeds stall, DTN followed a few seconds later by BMI which
> indicates a feed problem ahead of both of them.  Some have suggested
> switching to W2000 with TS2ki, and some have suggested using the
> TurboExpress high speed comport.  The story is that W95 and W2000 have
> tick loss than W98 and the 16550 mobo serial ports have overruns.
> neither of those solutions increased the tick count on TS2ki on BMI for me
> suggesting that the BMI DM was the culprit.  TS4 on BMI W95 consistently
> comes within a few percent of the ticks compared to TS2ki on DTN on W98
> using the TurboExpress 920 card with the 16750 UARTs with the bigger
> Fact is if you are using tick bar charts, the system signals lag when tick
> loss occurs, common sense.  For TS4(BMI) you may increase the tick count
> depending on the vintage of the computer.  Slower processors &
> may benefit by lowering the receiver FIFO on the comport.  Changing
> acceleration may help.  Making the machine a "network"
> (SystemProperties/Performance/FileSystem/select network server).  Making
> machine a dedicated trading machine with no other programs running may
> Especially turn off anti virus programs, empty the Startup file and only
> open TS4.  Have plenty of memory.  Select a fixed swap file size and move
> to the front of the disk.  Defrag.  Fact is BMI feed filters ticks and
> is a limit to how much can be done to catch all that are fed to you.
> who I compared tick counts with that had more counts on TS2ki with DTN
> I did had faster computers, some had the Turbo card and others did not.
> Some had dual processor machines with scuzzi drives, others had UDMA66's.
> All had plenty of memory to reduce(eliminate) swap files.  One surprizing
> result was esignal on cable with a fast modem.  That came in neck and neck
> with DTN on the tick count and sometimes(rarely) exceeded DTN.  So, in my
> book the most significant increase in count comes from dumping the BMI
> manager.  Another surprising, maybe not so surprising thing, is that TS4
> W95 is being run alongside TS2ki(DTN) by a few traders with no plans to
> it down for the present.  PCQuote via cable and fast modem is a favored
> by some.  PCQuote via dialup modem can have problems if the ISP is not one
> of the select few that it works well with.  Best to ask PCQuote for info
> that.  Finally, an Omega tech, frankly said, TS2ki needs a "powerful"
> computer and the BMI Data Manager symbol conversion process is what slows
> down.  There is no interest at OR or DBC in engineering a solution for a
> satellite feed.  There are no plans, there is no interest, they don't want
> to talk about it, nada, nix, fine`.
> BobR
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <Odd@xxxxxxxx>
> To: <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2000 10:21 PM
> > I have heard from several traders that TS2k is losing ticks left and
> > right.  On a BMI feed, the ES contract typically shows 20-30,000 ticks
> > per day on TS4, while TS2k shows only 15-19,000 ticks on the exact same
> > data feed!
> > That is a tick loss of 15 - 35% !
> >
> > I don't know if the problem is with the BMI Data Manager - or if it is
> > with the GlobalServer.  It seems that the higher the number of ticks a
> > symbol has, the bigger the percentage tick loss in TS2k.  For a symbol
> > with fewer ticks (for instance SP), the percentage loss is not as bad,
> > even though it still is serious.
> >
> > I will encourage people who has both TS2k and TS4 to compare the tick
> > count and see if this is happening on ALL data feeds, or if it is only
> > related to the BMI data feed.
> >
> > To me, of all the reported problems with TS2k, this must be one of the
> > most damaging.  What good does it do, if you have the BEST system in the
> > world, but you cannot trust your DATA?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Odd.
> >
> >