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RE: Can't open Indicators/Sytems/... in TS4

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My TS 40 is experiencing the SAME problem and also the one of my colleague
in the bank. I did follow the Omega instruction to sort out the problem but
nothing. Plus I re-installed ts40 but again nothing. You can't re-edit,
export or open anything. I have build 25. Even if you deinstall ts40 and
redo the installation you still have a problem. Plus if you export you do
export ONE indicator or system only... the first.

I spent 20 minutes from London to OR in the afternoon to sort the problem
but the 2 mail I got still do not help.

Since this can help others I'll give the reader what I got from OR in their
attempt to help me.


Dear Mr. Ronco,

Thank you for using our program. Here are several steps that may help you
resolve your problem.

Confirm in your "AUTOEXEC.BAT" file that there is a line that states the
location of your Windows Temp directory (example: set temp=c:\windows\temp).
Also ensure that the Temp directory that it points to is located there and

Ensure that the lines FILES=99 and BUFFERS=40,4 are in your "CONFIG.SYS"

Empty your Temp directory of all files (example: "c:\windows\temp").

Search for *.tmp files in the Omega directory and its sub-directories and
remove them.

Make sure that you have at least 150MB free hard drive space on the drive
containing Windows as well as the drive you have our program on.

Perform a "SCANDISK" on all of the hard disks in your computer, and let it
check for disk errors.

Perform a "DEFRAG" on all of the hard disks in your computer.

After performing the above maintenance routine, please do a  full shutdown
(turn your PC off) and reboot.

Go to "Start - Find - Files or Folders"

In the "Named" window type "*.tok"

Click the "Find" button

The files will be listed in the bottom window

Go to "Edit - Select All"

Then go to "File - Delete", "Yes to All"

Open the PowerEditor, and go to "Tools - Verify All"

After this is completed, see if you are still unable to access your studies.

Al B.
Support Services Department
Omega Research, Inc.


(even useless since I specified ts40 and their explain about ts2000i - now I
have TS but it is even less powerful of metastock or reuter graphics... and
I am stuck. I will try again with OR to sort out the problem the is really
getting unacceptable). Plus: everything started BEFORE y2k.

Dear Mr. Ronco,

Thank you for your email. Please try the follow, to resolve your current

Please backup/export your data before removing any application files

1.	Ensure the you only have the Omega program installed under 1 profile
	If not, please remove the Omega program from all profiles, and
re-install it under only 1 profile

2.	Ensure that the profile is the Administrator of that machine, or has
Administrator rights

3.	Ensure that "no" other applications are running when you install the
Omega program

4.	Ensure that if you need to perform a clean install that all Omega
icons, folders, and application remove themselves, if they do not, this
means that the original installation did not go correctly. You will need to
manually delete all Omega icons, folders, and applications. You will also
need to check and remove the following registry keys, if found.

WARNING: From the Microsoft website - "Using Registry Editor incorrectly can
cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows 95/98 or
Windows NT. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the
incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your
own risk. For information on how to edit the registry, view the Changing
Keys and Values online Help topic in Registry Editor (Regedit.exe). Note
that you should make a backup copy of the registry files (System.dat and
User.dat) before you edit the registry."

How To:
To remove Omega Research related registry entries:

1.	Click the Start | Run menu sequence.

2.	In the Open edit box type REGEDIT and click OK.

3.	Click the plus sign (+) next to the entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

4.	Click the + next to Software that is revealed.

5.	Click the Omega Research folder to highlight it. You may have to
scroll down to find the entry.

>>> this is the crucial point since I can't find the OR folder at all! so I
can't proceed with the "cleaning" and the rest of the mail is useless....

6.	Click the Edit | Delete menu and then click Yes to confirm deletion
of the folder.

7.	Click the minus sign (-) next to the entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER. You
may have to scroll up to find the entry.

8.	Click the plus sign (+) next to the entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

9.	Click the + next to Software that is revealed.

10.	Click the Omega Research folder to highlight it. You may have to
scroll down to find the entry.

11.	Click the Edit | Delete menu and then click Yes to confirm deletion
of the folder.

12.	Click the Registry | Exit menu to close the Registry Editor.

Once you have manually deleted all Omega icons, folders, and applications
and cleared the registry, you can now install the 2000i program into (1)
profile with Administrator rights and only use it under that profile.

Al B.
Support Services Department
Omega Research, Inc.

Thank you for choosing Omega Research. In our constant effort to assist our
customers, please visit our Knowledge Base and Frequently Asked Questions
section at: <http://www.omegaresearch.com/knowledgebase/p01.asp> or
http://www.omegaresearch.com/faqs/p01.htm. Also, please note that this link
is available to you from the Help menu choice in all of our 2000i

"Satisfied customers are our top priority. Please let us know what you think
of the level of service provided. You can send feedback directly to our
Support Services Manager, Albert Paredes at aparedes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

-----Original Message-----
From:	Riccardo Ronco [mailto:riccardo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:	Thursday, January 13, 2000 5:49 PM
To:	Escalation
Subject:	RE: CID#49020, Riccardo Ronco, IND#536452

still waiting for a solution... still can't program in EL in the bank even
after applying your instructions.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kent Rollins [mailto:kentr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 17 January 2000 04:14
> To: OmegaList
> Subject: Can't open Indicators/Sytems/... in TS4
> I just tried to open a function (built-in ADX) in Power Editor TS4 and it
> won't open it.  Instead it always opens the first function in the
> list which
> is AccumDist.  I tried clicking on several different functions in the list
> including several at once and it only opens the first one.  I
> created a new
> function and named it AAAAA, and then tried to open ADX again and
> it opened
> AAAAA instead because it was the first one in the list.  I
> deleted AAAAA and
> the problem persisted.  The same problem occurs in all 5 tabs of the open
> dialog (Indicators/Systems/Functions/etc).  TS4 build 25.  Anyone else
> experience this problem?
> Kent