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Re: [Software Alternatives to TradeStation/Custom indicators..]

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Dear jfb & Group,

I have mentioned some of this to jfb privately and I'd like to add my experience
to the public record.

I first began using the Quote.com + DynaStore + TS4 combination on a single
PIII/500.  I was collecting data generally for three indices and no more than four
stocks and was charting only INDU.  There, my usual problem was at the open of the
stock market, while QCharts would show INDU charting successfully on a 1-minute
screen, TS4 on a 1-minute screen would slow down perhaps 10-fold, such that the
TS4 screen would still be on its first 1-minute bar when QCharts would have shown
5-10 1-minute bars.  After a half hour of bars on QCharts, the TS4 screen would
show the first 2-3 minutes of data.

After that, I moved TS4 to a second computer, a P233, and ran a null-modem cable
from the P500 to the P233.  That improved my experience with TS4 charting INDU.
Only occasionally would the INDU screen lag signficantly or simply stop

I added a Pacific CommWare TurboExpress 920 Port card to the P233 and shifted the
null modem cable from Com1 to the CommWare card (Com3).  I talked with the
CommWare tech suppport guy about my TS charting problem, purportedly caused by
overloading the serial port with data, and asked him if he thought the CommWare
card might help, and he said No, but I thought I would try it anyware (at $80).
Frankly, I don't believe it does help and am thinking of removing it.  I was also
disappointed with the CommWare card as it came as an ISA card and I would have
preferred a PCI card.  I called CommWare and was told that they do not make their
card in a PCI configuration.  If any of you know where I could buy an inexpensive
(say <= $100) data-buffering serial card in a PCI configuration, I would
appreciate your telling me about it.

>From there, I quit charting INDU and began charting MSFT, again with 1-minute
bars.  TS4 charts MSFT well, mostly, but sometimes although I don't get the
slowing down like I used to with INDU, instead, TS4 simply stops charting,
period.  From there, I have to stop both TS Charting and Data Server and bring
them both back up again.  I then added a volume indicator and my observations
indicate that when TS4 stops charting MSFT, those times are always correlated with
particularly high tick rates, generally faster than 1/second.  I should also add
that I get LOTS of bad ticks, which I have to stop and delete.

>From there, I thought that I would switch computers, such that I would use the
P233 for Quote.com and DynaStore and the P500 for TS4.  I have made that change,
but for reasons that I don't understand, I can't get my new installation of TS4 on
the P500 to recognize the TS Security Block, so I haven't been able to see if this
switch improves matters.

And by the way, I am using a cable modem, which runs at approx 500 (as opposed to
around 50 with a 56K phone modem) and no firewall.

So, like jfb, I "almost never fall behind the action" --- instead, my TS4 charting
program gives lots of bad ticks and sometimes just simply stops, during high



DStan34930@xxxxxxx wrote:

> I am also.
> Can you provide us with an example of the setup you use?
>     SDSL? ADSL? Firewall? Special serial port?
> What's an example of your interpretation of falling behind the markets?
> I would imagine that someone charting tic data would have a different
> perception of falling behind as opposed to someone charting 5min as
> opposed to someone charting hourly.
> dave
> <<<
> Go back to TS4; works fine with Dynastore/Quote.com combination if you limit
> the number of securities/indices you follow. I am trading the S&P's and almost
> never fall behind the action.
> jfb
> shaven heads trading
> new york city
> >>>