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Re: el code help

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"Rene' Muench" <muenchr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 13:13:05 +1100
> Hi there
> in a system I would want to extract data for further analysis.
> I am using TS 4.
> e.g.:
> if date = lastcalculateddate 
>    and  Getsymbolname = "NAA" then begin
>     FileAppend( "C:\DataAnal\firstset.txt ", NumToStr(Date, 0) +  ",  "
> 	+ GetSymbolName +  ",  " + NumToStr(Open, 2) +  ",  "
> 	+ NumToStr(High, 2) + ",  " + NumToStr(Low,2) +  ",  "
> 	+ NumToStr(Close,2) +  ",  " + NumToStr(Volume,0)
> 	+ NewLine);
> end;
> This code outputs a string from all datafiles  of a directory.  I
> do not want everything only selected once.
> The critical question I want to ask is, how can I extract the same
> string of data, but limited the output to only a selected among of
> symbol names ( which are about 1300 symbols).
> Any suggestion that could put me on track is most welcome.

You need that symbol lookup DLL that I suggested in another e-mail
regarding custom lists. <g> (note: it doesn't exist, but it
would be convenient if it did).

I don't know any builtin way to do what you want, but will
offer the following suggestions:

1. Send all your symbols into a big file.  Then process the file using
either Excel, or put it into an Access database, and use
an Access query to get the data only for the symbols of interest.

2. (Maybe) See if there is a way to use a DDE link to either Excel or
Access to query whether the symbol in question is in the list of
1300 that you're interested in.  Perhaps an Excel/DDE/DLL expert
can tell us if this can be made to work?

3. (Maybe) Use the hashnums, or similar add-on DLL.  First, write a program
that interfaces to hashnums, and (somehow) fills an internal table
with the symbols you're interested in.  Then, run your TS scan, and
call the hashnums DLL to query if the symbol matches.  Perhaps a
hashnums expert can tell us if this can be made to work?

4. (Maybe) Create a separate directory that uses Windows "short cuts" to the
bigger directory for the files with all the symbols you're interested
in.  This only works if the filenames can be meaningfully mapped to
the symbol name.  You'll also need to be able to create the shortcuts
in an automated way, and under Windows you'll have to use some add-on
tool for that.  Then, just scan this subset directory.

5. buy TS2K, Radarscreen, and write us some mail to tell us if
you were able to accomplish the task. :)