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Re: Telecharts 2000 & TS 4.0

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Frank Sanocki <sanocki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> had written

>Is anybody using Telecharts2000 v4 with Trade Station. I have Trade
>Station v4 build 26 and when I attempt to create a new chart it will
>only plot the data through 12/31


Correct.  Right now, you're hosed.  I exchanged a few messages
with Worden tech support prior to the end of the year, and they
warned me that their version 3 data format might not work with
TradeStation after 12/31.  Well, they were right.

I tried using MetaStock format as well, and struck out there
too.  Again, the charts only went as far as 12/31.

I wrote Worden tech support again yesterday, and received a
brief reply (attached below).  Although the problem is probably at
Omega's end - rather than at Worden's - I would put money on
Worden providing a fix first.

Jay Mackro

Here's what I got back from Worden:

>Thank for writing. We regret any inconvenience this issue has caused.  We
>are currently researching the problem to resolve the date issue.  Thank you
>for continued patience.

>Thank you,

and, here's part of what I asked Worden:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Mackro [SMTP:jmackro@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 10:31 AM
> To: Support2
> Subject: Re: Exporting data after 01/01/00:
> Thank you for your message of December 21st.  Yesterday,
> I had the opportunity to try these various means of exporting
> data from TC2000 into TradeStation.  Unfortunately, I could
> not get either v3 nor MetaStock formats to work.  I suspect
> that others have experienced this same problem, and am
> hopeful that Worden has come up with a fix.  Here are the
> specifics of what I found: