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AW: Neuro/Fuzzy Recommendation for TS?

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| -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
| Von:	pierre.orphelin [SMTP:pierre.orphelin@xxxxxxxxxx]
| Gesendet am:	Wednesday, October 20, 1999 12:59 PM
| An:	omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
| Betreff:	Re: Neuro/Fuzzy Recommendation for TS?
| Just for the record, lets recall that your recent posts were there only to 
| that
| you were unable after years to find a valid strategy (aka system) with
| TradeStation and the like.

All it means is I don't use TS anymore because it doesn't fit my style of 
trading, and generally I didn't like the constant pbs arising through the usage 
of such a setup. That has nothing to do with my trading performance which I am 
happy about, thank you. My net worth today is higher through trading than 12 
months ago which is itself higher than 24 months ago. Whatever I say is for 
anybody to use or discard, and is based upon my own experience along the path 
many on this list have or are taking as well. If people don't want to take into 
account, that is their right, but others are happy to get some indications. I 
write for them. And that is the way I read all other mails myself, including 
yours. Sometimes I find useful things there as well. It is just sad you can't 
help pushing your thing, and are absolutely unable to admit any other opinion 
than yours.

| This wide experience is probably the final answer to your sempiternal 
| posts.

My current post is a response to your sempiternal neuro/fuzzy touting posts, 
which are designed to induce people into believing you have the holy grail, and 
they should only try it one month for free to get hooked. Of course any such 
claim is totally misleading and false, whatever backtesting results you boast 

| You write that you have not tried ou product, but you give shameless
| definitive answers about it,
| even speaking of spam, what you cannot do for a product that is provided for
| free.

only for evaluation, so you still hope to sell it, do you? Or is it free for 
public use without limitations?

| Users are able to find themselves if it works , and I never advertised it in
| this sense.
| Only that  it was existing . The real name is information, not spam.
| If you chech the archives , you could see that I have not spoken of our
| neurofuzzy work for
| more that one year. I only replied to a question related to neurofuzzy logic
| and TradeStation

Not true.

| Due to the fact that you have no valid solution to propose, excepting to
| destroy anything

One finds what one is looking for. If that's all you see in my posts, then skip 

| seeming to have some chance of succes, you would be wise to clean your act 
| your brain
| before giving us lessons.

I don't give lessons, I share my own experience. What people do or don't do 
with it is their pb. On the same issues some will find the same conclusions, 
some will not. Sometimes I change my own mind as well as I find new ways. I 
don't hold truths only glimpses of an ideal picture of what I'd like to achieve 
and experience of portions of such achievements. I just think out loud. Just 
delete my posts if you can't stand people thinking differently from you.

| Either you try the software and report what you have found, or stay out of a
| debate
| where you have nothing new to bring.

Don't be so quick to judge. I have already seen it, and could not find it 
overly convincing to my  regret. That doesn't mean it won't work some of the 
time, and maybe I'll even find ways to use it for myself. However be sure in 
that case I won't pay for it given your above claims. You can't be two things 
at the same time, preaching selflessness and charging (heftily) at the same 
time. I'll just assume the selflessness hence...

The issue anyway is the misrepresentation of claims people only have to use 
your thing to be successful, which is totally wrong and dangerous.

My previous post on AI was to reflect what some people who are not totally 
clueless think about the issues after investigating this thing at an 
institutional level. Whether they meant your product in particular or not, I 
can't say, but the underlying concepts of artificial intelligence are the issue 
and should be the same.

| Of course, this will need some work from you, but its  free from a software
| cost point of
| view, so do not bother us to hide your laziness to test it.

Thanks for judging my character. May I infer you have never been lazy in any 
way yourself? Remarkable. BTW, is being lazy not doing the same things you do, 
or does doing other things besides testing Sirtrade extensively still qualify 
for a valid occupation?

| I develop trading systems since 1988,

Good for you. Since you want to compare, let's compare. I trade since 1982. I 
still happily use today some form of the method I used then. It survived all 
market ups and downs since, thank you.  I started with pen and pencil, and can 
still do so today if my PC goes down..., and wherever I am.
Contrary to you I admitted publicly all of my various trading mistakes and I 
have made MANY. Since I can't remember seeing you admit anything, I must assume 
you are either perfect, or have much to hide. Attaquing me on my admitting my 
failures to achieve this and that or do this and that is not a sign of strength 
of your part.

| and none that I have used or have
| provided for a real
| use on the market have failed since this date.

So just use them and stop trying to convince everyone how great you are so they 
all buy it from you.

| Sincerely,
| -Pierre Orphelin
| Neurofuzzy Logic tools for TradeStation
| Free evaluation versions and competitive upgrades available
| web: http://www.sirtrade.com

This is a vendors signature to me.

| ----- Message d'origine -----
| De : Gwenael Gautier <ggautier@xxxxxxxxxxx>
| A : <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
| Envoye : mercredi 20 octobre 1999 09:58
| Objet : AW: Neuro/Fuzzy Recommendation for TS?
| > Whatever the topic, your point of view is always the only allowed, for one
| > single purpose: You are really the expert diverting everything for your own
| >
| > benefit.

All the above only confirms this.

