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>Subject:         Re: IF YOU DON'T KNOW, DON'T ACCUSE
>  Date:         Sat, 2 Oct 1999 09:23:14 -0400 (EDT)
>  From:         editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>    To:         Omega List <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Robert wrote:
>>The Omega Man what are you 
>>trying to imply by using this name?
>BB:  I'm trying to imply that one should speak and write using complete >sentences.  No...  just kidding.  Have you seen the movie "The Omega >Man", with Charlton Heston?  You want to know what The Omega Man >represents, see the movie.
>What I've been saying for the last 2 years is:  "You bashers can have >the controls any time you want 'em."  You can do better than Omega?  >Have at it.  Otherwise, put your slappers on "safe".
>The Omega Man
>"Don't find fault, find a remedy."
>- Henry Ford

"History is bunk"   - Henry Ford  (did he mean Historybank ??)

Henry Ford, writes Higham, "admired Hitler from the beginning, 
when the future Fuhrer was a struggling and obscure fanatic.
He shared with Hitler a fanatical hatred of Jews." 

"Ford's book 'The International Jew' was issued in 1927. A virulent 
anti-Semitic tract, it was still being distributed in Latin
America and the Arab countries as late as 1945. Hitler admired the 
book and it influenced him deeply. Visitors to Hitler's
headquarters at the Brown House in Munich noticed a large photograph 
of Henry Ford hanging in his office. Stacked high on the
table outside were copies of Ford's book. As early as 1923," when 
Hitler heard that Ford was planning to run for President, he
"told an interviewer from the 'Chicago-Tribune,' 'I wish that I 
could send some of my shock troops to Chicago and other big
American cities to help'."