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Re: TS2K - works

  • To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: TS2K - works
  • From: Ullrich Fischer <uf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 09:55:39 -0700
  • In-reply-to: <>

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On the other hand, if OR could point to a workable solution to each problem 
as it comes up on this list -- (the ones relating to how slow things are on 
anything less than a 3-processor P-III-500/1024MB RAM WINNT machine would 
obviously have to be an exception until they can get to optimizing the new 
code, of course :) -- would counter a lot of the extremely negative 
postings that appear here.   The current policy seems to be to send out 
individual responses to messages posted here to privately solve users' 
problems one at a time.    Each message from OR tech supp comes with the 
'this message is only intended for the person it was sent to' legalese 
blurb which has given me pause when I've wanted to share some of the quite 
useful insights that I've received that way.   It would make more sense for 
techsupp to be very open about such messages and post them here as well as 
in the faq on www.omegaresearch.com ,  especially if several people have 
posted a related problem on this list.    It's not like OR is in a position 
to hide the existence of this list from its pool of potential customers.

There's nothing worse than a long list of unanswered complaints on a public 
forum for undermining the image of super software.  Anyone with the minimal 
insight needed to search the web using a few not all that well chosen 
keywords is going to find this list more likely sooner than 
later.    Probably less than .1% of the readers of this list post.  The 
rest are reading and forming their opinion of OR's products based on the 
contents of this list.     It's like the old Monty Python Chocolate Shop 
skit.    Sales will plummet once the buying public finds out about the 
concealed spring in the 'chocolate surprise" confection.   Now that we have 
the internet and list like this, FUD just ain't gonna cut it 
anymore.    The truth is out there and accessible to everyone on the 
'net.   The only viable option for a vendor of any product is to ensure 
that the truth about his product is positive.

All that said, TS2Ki does seem to (finally) be working for me.  I would 
never try running it under WIN98 even if someone offered to pay me, but 
under WINNT with a P-233 and 256 MB of RAM, it performs reasonably 
well.   Not as fast as TS4, but on the plus side, it hasn't crashed on me 
in over two weeks, something I could never say about TS4.


At 09:12 AM 7/11/99 -0700, you wrote:

>On Sat, 10 Jul 1999, Ullrich Fischer wrote:
> > What would be even better would be if Omega Research Tech Support 
> extracted
> > all these work arounds and posted them on their website with an occasional
> > message here letting Omega users know that the known problems lists are
> > available for perusal at a specific URL.
>Agreed, but remember that Omega has to keep up the image of "Super
>Software" at all costs. Posting a number of work-arounds would expose the
>real (poor) situation and admit problems. Won't ever happen...
> > When I was working through my
> > initial problems (including the getting the workaround mentioned below), I
> > found the FAQ pages on www.omegaresearch.com to be relatively
> > useless.
>Agreed, but these bland postings are all that will get by the marketing
>dept. The real info would let too many people know how bad it is,
>especially those who have not paid yet :-).