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Need PC Quote tick data

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Can anyone send me PC Quote tick data for /ES9UG for July 7?  (PCQ
doesn't use the /ES9U symbol, just /ES9UG) 

I had it all, but then I shut down the computer, when I came back and
rebooted, I only had data until about 8 am (pacific) and then it jumped
to about 12:36 pm (pacific).  weird.  I tried to use my "refresh" files
from HistoryBank.com, but they don't carry the S&P E-Mini!  At least I
have never received any data from them for the last two months that I
THOUGHT I was (/ES9U and /ES9UG).  weird.  (I do get refresh tick data
for /SP9U and /US9U, though I don't use it.)

I wish that HistoryBank.com just carried daily data and we could go back
to the old FTP server (ftp://ftp.omegaresearch.com/pub/data_refresh/) to
get intra-day backup data, just like the "good old days".  Or that
PCQuotes would carry the individual backup data files for a fee...
<sigh>.  I doubt I will ever use Historybank.com whenever they get
around to charging for it.  Historybank uses one type of filenames and
GS uses another type of filenames.  I mean, just to restore the data (I
think), I have to export rename, import, import some more, export,
rename, and import again.  That, in a word, sucks.  At least with my
TS3.51 it's pretty brainless.  Some entrepreneurial types could make a
bunch of money setting up a data refresh site for .xpo tick data files
like Omega's ftp site.  I would be the first to sign up for it.  As it
is, it looks like I'm keeping my TS3.51/DBC Signal cable feed setup
until Y2K kills it...

This "data farming" with the "new way" of doing things causes me to
spend more and more time cultivating data and gives me more and more
headaches when it's not there when it's supposed to be.  I have so many
S&P E-Mini data gaps that it is impossible for me to do ANY TYPE OF
RELIABLE INTR-DAY BACKTESTING in TS2K.  I tell ya, as soon as a software
program comes on the market that doesn't require me to babysit data (a
la "TradeWare/Quote.com") and has the capability to program like
"EasyLanguage" I am bolting!!

Why couldn't OR have created GS to be an internet "go fetch" type of
server?  If I wanted 2 years of daily data on some symbol, it would just
"go get it".  If I just wanted to load up the last 10 days of tick data
for the S&P, INDU, PREM, ADV, DECL in the morning before trading, it
would just "go get it".  If my system crashed or went offline for any
length of time, I could just reboot and the GS would just "go get" all
the data, like nothing had happened.  Now, THAT would be a product
worthy of all the false praise the current TS is getting in the OR news

By the way, Thanks in advance for the data file!

Bob Perry
San Jose, CA