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Re: truth is the greater imperative

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My apologies to the list for my part in getting this thread going. This is 
the kind of thing that wastes our time and accomplishes very little. We just 
end up calling each other names and stifling the free exchange of ideas. We 
should be feeding OFF of each other, not ON each other. If you did not post 
to this thread you will probably want to exit and delete at this point.


I've gotten a little behind on this thread (busy with the market and 
post-mortem work), but here is my reply to your post of this morning:

 >pardon me, but ron has every right to challenge what appear to be
 outrageous complaints as this "writer" is prone to make.<

Absolutely. Ron is one of the guys who makes this list work, through his 
programming skills and his generosity. I wasn't criticizing his right to 
challenge another post. My one liner was meant to be a gentle nudge reminding 
the readers (especially the newbies) that Ron *may* have an axe to grind.

As for this "writer", let's call him TJ, he also is a major, major 
contributor to the list. He doesn't do much EL, but he is one of the few 
contributors who gives basic, sound, in-the-trenches trading wisdom. As a 
long time discretionary trader I get more benefit from TJ's posts than from 
Ron's 'cause I don't do EL either. Yes, TJ is brusk, irreverent, cynical, 
arrogant......in fact he has *ALL* the attributes needed to survive as a 
trader. My kind of guy. And after 30+ years in the investment business, most 
of what TJ says rings true. Case in point: I think if you could take TJ's 
original post describing the collapse of the latest piece-of-crap system du 
jour and survey  all of the brokers in the country who have at least 15 or 20 
years experience, you would find that they would agree that it describes a 
situation that is not atypical. This is so obvious to me that I was surprised 
by Ron's reaction and I began to wonder if Ron had an axe to grind - hence, 
my post in response to Ron's. Ron has since posted that it was TJ's attitude 
that prompted his post. I can buy that. I am sure TJ can too. He trades the 
S&P's. He's tough ! !
>i have observed  ron's thoughtful and deliberative demeanor on this network 
for months and his contributions have always been impartial and in the best
 interests of the group at large.<

Yes, I agree !  Weeeellll, impartial?  There *was* the time he expressed his 
support for Clinton - - or  was that someone else ? ;-)

> unfortunately, individuals, such as the "writer", are repeatedly prone to 
making blanket critical  generalizations without any supportive 
documentation, tarnishing others reputations in the process, but, 
fortunately, demonstrating their own stupidity, biases, and one-sidedness at 
the same time.<

I think TJ addressed this in an earlier post, although I only glanced at it, 
so, maybe not. I can agree with some of this. Bias? Probably. Just like you 
and me. One-sided? Probably. Just like me and maybe you. Stupid? Definitely 
not! But isn't it the height of pomposity for me to presume to judge him. 
Sorry TJ.

I realize I could be completely full of crap about all of this. But Tom, if 
you think so, and can't resist the urge to e-mail me and tell me what a 
stupid empty-headed loser bozo I am - please don't copy the whole list. Why? 
First, they already know it and, second, we have already taken up took much 
of their time on this stupid thread!  And, hopefully, any additional comments 
by anyone else will go off list!

Again, my apologies to those that are still reading.

 JParris@xxxxxxx wrote:
 > This sounds like an argument one might hear between a savvy trader and an
 > Omega solution provider.
 > Jim
 > _____________________________________
 >  TJ wrote:
 >  >i've seen many traders blow out their accounts after purchasing or 
 > the
 >  >latest system de jour which received positive reviews in prominent
 >  >trade rags such as futures and tasc. newbies, bless their dumb naive
 >  >hearts, actually believe what is written about these systems and
 >  >essentially mortgage the farm to throw 5-10k for an curve fit piece of
 >  >fecal matter that explodes when it is traded for any length of time.
 >  >this sad scenario repeats itself year after year
 >  I
 > Ron replied:
 >  Do you have any objective, verifiable proof that backs-up your statements?
 >  If so, would you post some references to it?
 >  Otherwise, are members of this forum expected to believe your claims just 
 >  you would have them reject the claims of others?