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WinNT Hints and Tips

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Wow, looks like quite a few NT converts and interested parties if my private
email is any indication...

Here's a couple of hints and tips which I use to make NT easy to install and
use...  while your milage may vary, I've installed LOTS of NT Workstations
and Servers and have learned how not to suffer in the process....

1.  How different is WinNT compared with Win95/98?

That depends on whether or not you're talking about INSTALLING it or USING
it.  INSTALLING it is a bit different, USING it is not much different than
Win95 (especially if you're a home user without security concerns).  It
looks, feels and runs like Win95.  Win2000 (the next great Windows NT) will
look, feel and run like Win98.

2.  So, why bother?

Stability.  Sometimes I reboot my NT Workstation only once a week, often
less than that.  Can't remember my last system "crash" (also called the
"blue screen of death" by NT folks...).  GPF's are almost unheard of, and
they don't crash your system if they happen.

3.  What's the minimum CPU/HD/RAM to effectively run NT (and TS or other
charting pkgs)?

In today's hardware world, my answer is:  Pentium II or better, 64mb RAM or
better, 6gb HD or better.  Almost every computer around these days has more
than these, so it's not a big deal... and upgrade costs have never been

4.  What about NT compatibility with my other Windows 95/98 apps?  Will they
run without trouble?

Usually.  I don't play computer games, and I hear that there are *some*
compatibility issues with *some* games...  but I can't remember the last
time something would not run on my NT4 systems.

5.  What about hardware compatibility?

Before installing NT on an existing system, make sure there are NT drivers
for your video card, network card, and sound card (if needed).  There
probably are, but check anyway.  Most card vendors have NT drivers on their

I personally go for more vanilla video cards (4-8mb video ram) and ALWAYS
use 3Com Network Cards.  Why?  Because fooling around with off-brands and
latest-greatest-video-cards is an exercise in patience and is unnecessary
for a computer running charting software.

Tip:  I *always* use the 3Com drivers for Network Cards, not the ones that
WinNT suggests.  Work much better and autoconfigures for maximum

Tip:  If you're installing NT on an existing (newer) computer, make sure to
set the BIOS setting regarding "Plug-n-Play Operating System" to NO.

Tip:  Diamond MultiMedia video cards usually install and work slick with a
minimum of fuss...  use the drivers from their web site.

6.  Anything special about running TS 4.0 on NT 4.0?

YES!!  After installing and getting it running, go to your Start Menu, find
your "Online Server for BMI/DBC/etc" icon, copy it to your Startup Folder,
and THEN right-click on the shortcut, select "Properties", and CHECK THE
BOX:  "Run in separate memory space" and set launch to "Minimized".  Then,
whenever you startup, the Omega Server is automagically running minimized in
it's own protected memory space.

NOW REMEMBER...  when you want to run TS40, restore the (running) Omega
Server, and click the Graphing icon to launch TradeStation.  This will run
TS40 <within> the protected memory space that the Omega Server has already
claimed, and TS40 loves to be run this way.

(none of the above applies to TS2000 - it is native 32bit and automatically
does the memory allocation thing)

7.  How about sharing files/printers on the NT with other computers on my

Easy...  just remember to add all usernames and matching passwords that you
use on all computers on your network to the NT box (using the User Manager).
The NT will deny services to (network) users it does not recognize.


There are quick answers to most of the email that I've gotten recently.  I'm
happy to be able to help out here - community support at it's finest hour.


Doug Forman, MCSE (doug@xxxxxxxxxxx)
Incline Systems, Inc. - Vancouver, WA