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Just go away

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    You moron idiot. Just go away. As Imus would say.

    Most of us are seriously tired of your self-serving tirades. And,
enquiring minds want to Know? Why would the GURU of the bond market be
concerned with EOD data from CIS? Your realtime feed fail you?

    You are a phony wannabe.

    Oh, Mark also is the font of all knowledge. He acquires other peoples
systems, and then just gives it away. If you think that is cool, then I WILL
eat your lunch in next Monday's S&P.

    Mark Brown is a fraud...he is in violation of numerous copyright laws,
and he he is a bullshit artist from day one. If he is the guru of the bond
market, etc, why in the hell is he bothering us here on the Omega channel?

    Four years ago I came up with I thought was a pretty good group of
indicators for TradeStation. I sold them for $495.00. That is a fact. Mark
Brown somehow obtained them and freely distributed them. Hey, maybe my
indicators were not the end all or holy grail of trading, but I believed in
them and tought them to 70+ traders.  I still correspond with most of them
now, and we have an active daytime channel on the net.

    If you think MB is the alpha and omega of trading....fine. But believe
me, he is a leach, dishonest, and a non-trader. He only wishes he could.

    If I'm wrong, so be it. I'm not selling anything. I want Omega to follow
thru like all us do. I just don't need Mark Brown...

Jim Cox