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>What can you do, using the current set-up, with Excel in TS2000?  Can you
>use Excel functions and mathematical capabilities?  For example, can you
>the GlobalServer to feed price data to Excel for real-time processing?

  Bascially, you can do everything that TS4 did with excel with a new buzz
  Linking and Embedding.

  Can TS use Excel to expose functions,mathematical capabilities,
  charting,database,etc functions to TS.  NO!!

>Can you expound on why the COM technology in TS2000 sucks?  I mean, do you
>think that OLE sucks?

  Remember that OLE is just a buzz word.  It is a zillion million different
  that make up the core of the  Windows Operating System.  Application
developers can pick and choose
  the different technologies and functions that it wants to expose.

  Some will expose everything -- some will expose nothing.  Omega has
decided to only
  expose certain parts of the server and the charting module.  The reason I
think it sucks
  is because they haven't really given me any power to do anything more than
what I can do
  with TS4.

  You see there is a whole industry out there that builds components for
math, statitics, database,
  graphics, charting, etc that all normal windows packages like SPSS,
MathLab , Excel, Access,Word,
  etc can call and use.  That is the whole purpose of OLE/COM to use
prebuilt components that have
  already been built for you.  I cannot use these tools within TS2000 --
which really is the whole idea behind
  OLE/COM.  They have really justed thrown a buzzword out there for us --
and haven't really given us the
  guts to really use the CORE of Windows techonology.

  What's the difference between TS2000 OLE and other
>OLE?  If they're the same then why does TS2000 OLE suck?

   It's the same technology -- but every application is responsible
   for there own object model(the interface that exposes its different
   And it's the object model that needs to be judged.  TS2000 has only
   limited parts of charting and server.  They completely left out the
   which to me is the most important.  So I believe that there object model
   very very limited in comparasion with normal Windows applications where
   have a more complete model.

Mark J.