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The Omega Man wrote:

> Ah, Robyn!  But your time is your most valuable asset!  You didn't spend the
> money so you paid more dearly for your knowledge than you had to!  You paid
> with part of your life!

I'm a lawyer - so you don't have to tell me that time is money.  OTOH - since
time is money - one can ill afford wasting it exploring every "market miracle"
piece of hype that's out there - whether it's in the form of software - books -
courses - videos - etc. - etc.  Which is not to say that there isn't some decent
stuff out there.  It's just not the kind of stuff that promises to make you rich
in a couple of months.  Only way you can do that is by becoming a lawyer and
getting a $5 million verdict your first time out <g>.

FWIW - I especially hate lousy software - because - while I can easily conclude
that a book - course - video - indicator - whatever - is nonsense in a couple of
hours - it usually takes a pretty long time to learn enough about a new
complicated piece of software to conclude with a reasonable degree of certainty
that it's no good (or good).

Also FWIW - since I don't know you - I'm a long time user of SuperCharts (back
to 1993).  It's a very good stable piece of software IMO (I've used it with
Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows 98 - on everything from a 386 to a fairly
current Pentium II) - it does everything I need - and - if it were Y2K compliant
- I'd probably stick with it for another decade and forget about reading the
software "reviews" on this list.  Robyn