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Re: A quotation related to the Florida thread

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At 06:57 PM 6/4/99 -0700, Ullrich Fischer wrote:
>I agree with the following quote.  People should not be disarmed for those 
>reasons.  They should, however, have to prove a minimal competence to 
>responsibly handle firearms.    If it doesn't make sense to carry the right 
>to bear arms to its logical extreme as Michael Moore did when he asked why 
>no one was clamoring for the right to private ownership of  weapons grade 
>plutonium, it logically also makes no sense to insist on the right for 
>every unscreened Tom, Dick, and Manson to have access to automatic firearms 
>on demand.    Having your head blown off by your neighbor's psycho kid 
>while taking your kid to school is arguably more than an "imaginary or 
>trifling inconvenience".

And wouldn't it be nice if you could choose what school you could send your
to, public or private with school vouchers.  ( Education in the US was a
private institution before Mr. Dewey got a hold of it. )  Then you could
protect your child from that risk.    BTW, gun ownership has never been
unscreened.  IT has been illegal for decades if not a century for ex cons to
own guns.  However, in a society that does not respect rights it also does not
enforce the law justly.

The Colorado incident has a bit of irony.  These kids were devil worshippers
who chastised many of their victims daily as Bible thumpers or Holy rollers
who asked if victims if there was a God before shooting them.  They placed
several bombs in the school as if to booby trap it.  Where are the cries to
outlaw bombs? or how about devil worshipping?  

How about teaching morality in school?  What do you expect from a country
says you can't post the ten commandments in school which BTW one of them
states: "That shalt not commit murder".   Perhaps that doesn't make good

All the laws of the world wouldn't have stopped what happened in Colorado.
the laws of the world didn't.  Some people are just evil.

Charles Kaucher
of Ipswich, MA.    http://www.ipswichma.com

Until the Lions have their own historian, the tale of the hunt will always
glorify the hunter.
  -- African Proverb