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Re: A quotation related to the Florida thread

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I would be very surprised if the media today would acknowledge the
existence of
a devil let alone those who worship the devil anymore than the existence of
God.  I live in MA and I can assure you that there are devil worshippers.  I
saw the web site before it was pulled.(And why pull the site anyway?)  It
was amazing.  All I can say, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck
it is a duck.

BUT this isn't my point anyway and I am sorry to have not been more clear.
MY point was simply that morality or the lack of it is the issue but that
as sensational.  The devil worshipping and gun control have about the same
relevance in this issue  -- zero.   It morality stupid! -- to abuse that
familiar phrase.

Chuck Kaucher

At 07:48 AM 6/5/99 -0600, you wrote:
>> The Colorado incident has a bit of irony.  These kids were devil
>> worshippers who chastised many of their victims daily as Bible
>> thumpers or Holy rollers and who asked if victims if there was a God
>> before shooting them.  
>I live less than an hour from the Columbine school.  The local papers 
>have been filled with Columbine reports since the day it happened -- 
>hundreds and hundreds of pages of coverage.  I haven't read *all* of 
>it, but I haven't seen ONE reference to devil worship.
>Yes, it's true they asked several kids if they believed in God, and 
>they shot one after she said "Yes."  (And they *didn't* shoot another 
>one after she said "Yes.")  They might have hassled Bible-reading 
>kids, but I haven't seen anything about that.
>It's true that they had all kinds of nasty demonic-looking drawings 
>in their notebooks and on their websites.  But they could have easily 
>gotten those images from Doom and Quake, or (more likely) from their 
>fertile imaginations.  But a few pictures do not equate to devil 
>worship, even if they DID hassle Bible readers.

Charles Kaucher

If this doesn't scare you then it is already too late.

''Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed
when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."
    Sarah Brady, Chair Handgun Control, Inc.
     The National Educator, page 3, January 1994