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Re: A quotation related to the Florida thread

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Hopefully this will the last word polluting this otherwise pristine forum 
for trading questions and threats of violence against the fine but fallible 
folks at Omega Research.   The following is an excerpt from an e-mail I 
received by mailing list from Michael Moore, producer of the excellent 
public affairs/satire TV show on Bravo (Sunday evenings):  The Awful 
Truth.   This is the best, most concise argument I've seen for gun controls 
anywhere.  Think about it.  The life you save may be your own or your kid's.


After the founding fathers
wrote the Constitution, they started to get
freaked out that the Brits might return, so they
wrote an amendment saying we all had a right
to have a musket in our cabins. That turned
out not to be not such a bad idea 'cause the
Brits did return in 1812 (thanks guys), but ever
since then, the Second Amendment has been
more like the Second Commandment. It made
a lot of sense then; it makes no sense now.
The potential foreign invaders or a possible
rogue American government we are
supposed to be ready to fight with our pistols
and shotguns now all have atomic bombs
and sonic jet fighters -- and there ain't nothin'
I can keep in my garage that's going to fend
off that kind of firepower.
Or let's look at it another way. I would assume
that even most gun nuts in America would not
subscribe to the belief that every American
has a right to own weapons-grade plutonium.
But why shouldn't we? Isn't that the modern
version of the 1776 musket? The reason we
are all willing to give up our God-given right to
weapons-grade plutonium is that we feel it's
better to be denied that right than to risk what
might happen when one or two kooks decide
to blow up Des Moines with their
Constitutionally-protected plutonium.
The same type of survival instinct leads us
also to accept the abandonment of our
Fourth Amendment rights when we walk
through the metal detector at the airport.
Even the most liberally-minded say go
ahead and x-ray my bags and wave that
magic wand over my crotch CAUSE I DON'T
To those who say it isn't the guns causing all
this tragedy, but, rather, that it's Hollywood,
rock and roll, the internet and the disinterested
and absentee suburban parents who fail to
notice the 30 pipe bombs Junior is building in
the bedroom, let me point out that the Brits
watch the same exact violent movies, the
same violent TV shows, play the same violent
video games, listen to the same dark Goth
music, have access same sick internet
addresses and have the same number of lousy
parents raising the same number of psychotic
kids in the same kind of morally-corrupt society.
Last year, in a nation of over 50 million
people, with strict guns laws, there was a
total of 30 handgun murders in Great Britain.
I hate to say it folks, but it's the guns.
Funny how our former masters get to have the
last laugh after they sent us down this insane

At 04:13 PM 6/4/99 -0400, Dtrader wrote:

>here here.
>as well as the polluting of this list with none trading related threads.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bert Antonik <mbcsne@xxxxxxx>
>To: Alan Myers <a.myers@xxxxxxxx>
>Cc: grisham@xxxxxxxxxxx <grisham@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Omega List
>Date: Friday, June 04, 1999 3:57 PM
>Subject: Re: A quotation related to the Florida thread
>:Sorry, but I think it's time to stop letting the infringement of
>:rights and morals go unchallenged!