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Re: one trade a day

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

I see you have already received some good advise.

It is possible to use the @EntryDate function to get the desired results.

I am not up to thinking it through faultlessly right now, but...

if  @EntryDate (00) <> Date and { if the current position was not entered
today }
    @EntryDate (01) <> Date     { if the previous position was not entered
today }
then begin
{  Place orders here }
end ;


At 08:25 AM 04/22/99 , xst wrote:
>Is there anybody out there how can help me out with peace of TS code:
>On a system running on a daily bar chart I like to make sure that the
>system takes just one trade a day. How do I do this?
>For example:
>buy/sell T-Bonds at open +- 8 tics,
>don't stop and reverse, just take maximum one trade a day!?
>Looking forward to any comments/recommendations

    Samuel K. Tennis                              Vista Research
    129 Staff Drive                       voice: 1(850) 243-5105
    Ft. Walton Beach, FL  32548             fax: 1(850) 301-2884
    skt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        http://www.vista-research.com/
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