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Re: Reactivity Indicator

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Kelly wrote:
>This post should be of interest to those who downloaded the Reactivity 
>Indicator as coded by Dave DeLuca (both versions).

Well, it's certainly of interest to me.

>Al Geitzen contacted me in response to the posting of Dave DeLuca's code for 
>the Reactivity Indicator.  Posted below is the edited text of our 
>conversation (redundancy snipped).  Al requested that I post his response to 
>the list. 

How nice of Al to be thinking of our welfare! Should I respond to this

irreverent vendor tossing my name about in vain? I think I should...

>The one I tested was the older version.  It didn't take long looking at the
>newer version to find that it is also seriously flawed.  So I've revised the
>suggested posting as follows:
>"When I tested DeLuca's version a couple of years ago I found that it gave
>seriously incorrect results which showed many more frequent and more serious
>critcal range penetrations than the "correct" version.  

Oh my. I wonder if by the "correct" version Al means the version he
described in his book. In my original code I suggested he was
"somewhat vague" but that was probably too kind. The strictest
decipherment produced an indicator that gave a signal  about once
every six months. Maybe that's the way Al trades, but I decided to
code it with parameters that let the user adjust the frequency of
signals. Apparently Al thought this was a pretty good idea because the
charted reactivity indicators he displays on his website obviously
allow varying inputs to adjust the sensitivity.

>I was recently asked
>to review a more recently posted version.  Reviewing the programming as sent
>to me reveals serious flaws in it as well.  It is certainly unfortunate that
>flawed versions has been promulgated on the web by unauthorized persons.

Yes, I'm sure Al feels that having this freely available version on
the web is very unfortunate since this could seriously affect sales of
his $295 version. 

>Even the correct indicator by itself is of significantly less value without
>the balance of the system; particularly the corresponding trailing cycle

Al's version of a cycle - detrend the data and count the number of
bars between the peaks - there's your cycle!

>The Market Reactivity System software (which includes the
>indicators, detrend, and risk management) is available for Omega or
>spreadsheet platforms.  If you are interested in system, you may wish to
>visit http://home.utm.net/alventur/. "

Yes, I did visit your website, thank you very much, Al. Unfortunately,

I couldn't find any reference to where you realized those "amazing
profits" you talk about by trading real money in a real account.

But I did notice that the chart on your website looks a lot  like my
charts do when I use MY Reactivity indicator. In fact, I was able to
duplicate your chart in just a few minutes using MY Reactivity
indicator and playing with some inputs. You can see my chart here
http://www.arrowsmith.net/~ddeluca/MyChart.gif and compare it to your
chart here http://home.utm.net/alventur/IMAGEO13.gif. Pretty close I
would say.

Which brings up another point; since I coded this up in Easy Language
before you probably ever heard of TradeStation, I think you may be
infringing on my copyright of this indicator. In fact I might have to
get my DD™ Lawyers to look into this DD™ Reactivity business. 

>Al Gietzen

You're welcome, Al.


Dave DeLuca