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Re: 4-8-99 Thursday comments for Friday

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> Hey, I have no problem with anyone making predictions on this list...

I absolutely hate reading other peoples' predictions - trading results - etc.
Perhaps it's because I've been on line for almost a decade now - and have read
about a bazillion messages like that.  But - more likely - it's because:  1) if
you read enough of those messages - there will always be someone who's right;
and 2) the messages are written by people with different trading objectives,
different portfolio sizes, different risk tolerances, etc., etc.  One reason I
like this list (yes - I'm ashamed to admit it - but I like it <g>) - is because
people spend most of their time talking about trading tools (software, hardware,
system writing problems, etc.) - not their own trading (or - in the case of
so-called "gurus" who don't trade - market predictions).  It's the old "teach a
man to fish as opposed to giving him a fish".

For what it's worth to newcomers on this list - the biggest mistake I ever made
when I started doing some (relatively low risk mutual fund) trading 5 years ago
was to listen to all those "talking heads" - because I thought they knew more
than I did.  I didn't lose money (who could lose money in the last 5 years when
you don't go short?) - but I could have made more had I stuck with my own
systems (not that my own systems are perfect but they would have worked better
than following the guru who happened to be right this month).  So I guess the
moral is - work on your own stuff.  If it doesn't produce decent results - work
on it some more - until it produces acceptable results.  And don't expect to
find a "Holy Grail" - it doesn't exist.  Robyn