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was {Re: 4-8-99 Thursday comments for Friday}

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Tom DeMark,

Are you REALLY all that surprised by the -- to use your words -- "wasted
venom, energy, and diatribe" directed at you by members of this (or any)

Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe -- just maybe -- the problem
lies with you, and not with the group?

You also "accidentally" sent a similar message to the Omega list just a few
short months ago.

You must admit that it is not so remarkable if people on this list assume
the possibility of an intentional 'accident' rather than an actual
'accident' given your prior record.

However, EVEN if you did send this message by accident, which I will not
deny is possible since I have done the same thing myself in the past, you
should not be totally surprised by the reactions YOU elicit in US.


Attitude baby.  It's all in your ATTITUDE.

I for one believe that you probably do have something of value to contribute
to this and other lists.  However, you seem to be so concerned with making
people aware of your associations with famous TRADERS that much of what you
*might* have to share with us gets DROWNED OUT.

You bemoan the lack of "content and substance" and you also talk about
"sharing my experience and research" in your letter (the long one you sent
to the list on Friday night, titled {Re: 4-8-99 Thursday comments for

But when I innocently asked you to discuss your TD Rebo several months ago,
immediately became defensive and confrontational, hurling accusations at me
as quickly and in the same manner as people have been hurling them at you
here today.  And heaven help anyone who wants to know what your motives were
for including "selection options" in your book which is billed as a
collection of "New..Timing Techniques."

When asked simple questions about your books, you immediately assume you are
being attacked rather than first trying to respond with thoughtful (let
alone insightful) answers.

When you are pressed on certain points about your research, you hedge
yourself and say that you are not permitted to discuss these details due to
your financial relationships and CFTC registration and all kinds of other
similar occupational related excuses.

When you talk so generously about sharing your research with us, the best
you can muster is to share with us your opinions of your own indicators.
Have you ever shared any hard data that supports your empirical views?  Or
should we just simply take every word that comes out of your mouth as

When others do finally test your indicator and arrive at a negative
conclusion, you dismiss these individuals outright as being either
incompetent boobs or somehow desirous of criticizing you (as if they have
nothing better to do).

You say you believe this forum should be an educational experience for new
traders.  After reading your material, even some of the brightest traders
have had difficulty following your descriptions of market set-ups and other
details about your indicators.  Do you really think that NEW traders would
want to enter this same quagmire of jumbled and confusing thoughts?

EVEN if these ideas are the BEST and MOST FANTASTIC ideas ever to be exposed
to the trading community since the invention of the BAR CHART, if only a
small minority of people can understand them (like Paul Tudor Jones and Leon
Cooperman), how can that help the NEW trader?

If you are unwilling to explain these ideas clearly and in simple terms, if
you are unwilling to take a little constructive criticism in the process,
how can that help the new trader?

And how can you honestly and expect our sympathy when you say, "I have
absolutely nothing to sell"?  Your indicators are FREE now?   Since when?

Some inward reflection on your part may possibly reveal the answer to the
question of why people react the way they do whenever you appear on these