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Re: Where is Pierre Orphelin ?

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Dans un courrier daté du 26/03/99 15:17:32 Heure d3iver Pari32 Madrid,
markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :

 ***yes you and i could both work much harder if we both agreed not to say
 anything about omega.  however for every praise you give them and because
 the public is mentally weighted and longing to believe some type of
 extraordinary claim.  i must work harder than you to expose the truth, for
 it is not as easy to convince one of such as compared to a myth.  and there
 are many myths in this business!

We can start again to stop, but the temptation will be difficult to fight...
 Due to the fact that I do not run TS2000i realtime yet, I have nothing to
 ***well this is very unusual, for back when we had not even the beta ts 5,
 you were saying plenty and singing the praises of its release!  how
 different your stance now that reality is here and starting to sink in.
 now we (you) choose to remain silent? i believe your silence on this matter
 speaks for itself!

Unfortunateny, no more that saying nothing because I have no experience with
TS2000i realtime.
I maintain my perfect ignorance position and remain silent because I have no
way to bverify, help or even avoid to do some coontrabashing.
Maybe there are some problems remaining, I do not know.
This is too complex for me, and an impossible task anyway.

 When I do not know about something, I shut up.
 You should try once, it works fine for anyone.
 ***well you have shown no restraint in the past and even on my own list you
 seek to discredit someone like Andy and earl just because they use a
 shareware version of hypersnap!  what a trivial thing and how low can one
 stoop?  well I guess you know that having been scheduled to speak at omega
 world!  i will make a separate post on these lines you should read.
Concerning replies to your list, I did it only because I was mentionned ( by
name or suggesting that some french...).
The Hypersnap shareware remark was to be understood with a 2nd degree reading,
should I repeat ( You should know how I like to do this).
Yes, I 'll speak to Omega World. It's not a shame, I suppose.
If you want to organize a Mark Brown World, I'll also consider your offer.
 ***the only "various" to it is that one person who admits he does not know
 how to use it "loves it" all others are panicking to receive their RMA
 numbers so they may return it!
Good new.
A lot of RMA will help Omega because they were out of print for manuals and CD
due to the current demand.

 As for now, I will not say anything more.
 The beta reports that I currently read seems to show that things are going
 into the right direction.
 ***HEY Wake Up CALL! the beta should be OVER! cruz is selling the product as
 a finished package!
The beta forum still continue as a Q&A forum.
At this moment, it still private, but I hope that Omega will make it public
(FYI, it's a moderated forum).
 ***you mean its difficult for you to choke down your pride and admit you
 were foolish for getting in bed with bail and ralph!  had you worked with me
 and not against me, we would have squeezed a good program out of cruz.  but
 instead you like others are mesmerized by bill's charms and not his content!

I do not work against you and like to sleep alone in my bed, with some
exception for people that has some well defined physical sexual attributes far
different of mine, unfortunately misrepresented in the trading community.  May
I elaborate?

My point is not, and has never and willnever to fight anyone or for anything.
I fight for things that work or that exist and can work.
Should you have something of interest, it's always possible to work.
I hate war and things like this and never take an action by thinking against
anyone or anything.
If I disagree with somethin that I think of no interest, I give up and forget
it very quickly.
I'm not animated by any kind of revenge or negative thoughts. 
It's worthless, and it's a scourge on this planet, if not the scourge that
explains all.
 Speaking of time, I have not enough to spend on Cray machine internal
 structure, and I'm more interested into a palmtop computer that should be
 enough to run the new version of the neurofuzzy Assistant.
 ***yes very exciting and i wish you well with the product.  i only hope that
 someday i could test your claim, as everyone agrees its almost impossible to
 use your thing.

For the moment, I do not think so.
They think that it's difficult to pay $4000 for a software that does this ( no
equivalent for the moment, so no comparison is possible).
My guess is that the price is too low for what it does, or too high when
comparing with the other products that seems look like it.
I modestly think that we are some years in advance over the prevailing number
crunching community, still active since the advent of affordable PC.
Maybe we will raise the price of the product with the current improvements
under devevelopment  and also propose a very basic version, cheaper...
 ***yep we have a difference,  i believe that some lucky black box is not the
 answer.  ONLY mind numbing number crunching REALITY is safe over the long
 run.  i want to know what the black box is doing even if it works i wish to
 understand every aspect of how it works, so that i may be a better servant
 of it.
Our black box results are disclosed in the commercial version( I mean the
fuzzy rules).
They are so complicated that it is of no interest to verify, unless to satisfy
some curiosity.
We make very complex models from a very simple set of initial data
It's only indicators based technical analysis pushed to its limits.No more.
 FYI, I do not trade because of what I have explained, but my systems are
 traded by someone.  The current performance is as for today  280%  since
 04/28/98.  You may call this a track record or not. I do not care and wish
 you the same at a minimum.
 ***yes and those who would believe this are the same fools that keep the
 system vendors financed well running page ads in magazines!  anyone in the
 industry who has been around KNOWS that a non registered system vendor can
 make any unsubstantiated claim of profits they wish and suffer no recourse
 from it.  except that is for having back pains carrying all the money to
 bank that dumb ass newbies pay for such crap!

Anyone can verify this by using the evaluation version of the software and a
couple of hours of test, and some logical indictors.
As the evaluation version is free, I do not need to be a registered system
vendor ( what is this ? I do not sell trading systems!).

 What I'll present will certainly be something that you have never seen
 before: A workshop where the attendee will choose the indicators that we
 will use to build a system using these methods.  No way to play the game
 wrong under these conditions.
 ***i would certainly hope that anyone under these lab conditions would have
 you prove the system on as much out of sample data as you will obviously use
 to curve fit the system with!   to take a indicator in a lab condition and
 curve fit it to dead data is a false assumption that you will indeed have a
 model that will hold up

You do not understand me.
This will not be lab condition: This will be real test from indicators that I
do not know in advance.
Unseen data testing included.
 Concerning models to  follow or not, I have no hints or idea. I know of what
 I speak, and confident enough to rely only on myself.
 ***are you now saying that you rely on discretion? seems that way, i hear
 this often from vendors when a model breaks down and destroys itself!
I was speaking of human behaviour models to follow. Not of trading systems.

 Be careful  with your feet when reassemblying your Cray machine: some parts
 seems heavy to manipulate, and  an accident is so stupid...
 ***the stupid accident would be to believe a black box system could make a
 honest profit as you have claimed in real time trading.

I never told that your approach was wrong.
We have different way of thinking to the problem, that may accept several
Do not mix the tools and the final product ( the system).
There are different tools, factories and systems produced.
Only the final product is worth the interest (results).
