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This bit of information might be of use to anyone just becoming familiar
with the time involved and sequence of events when importing symbols and EOD
data from the HistoryBank CD and then downloading from the HistoryBank.com
to the Global Server rather than upgrading with the data existing in TS4.
The first bit of advise is to be careful, rather conservative, in following
the instructions in the manual for "Setting Up Your Data".  Just to get
familiar with the process it is best to import only a few symbols or to
manually enter a few using the Symbol Dictionary so you get the correct
symbol and format. Also the tick and X minute history should be no more than
you abosolutely need.  For familiarization, use even less.  TS4 users have
been accustomed to comparatively fast data refresh downloads with tick and
eod data from the website.  This Global Server does things differently and
requires an enormous amount of time.  After hiting the File, Start Download
from HistoryBank.com go hit the tab labeled Event Log and watch the long
process of checking for existing data at the HistoryBank.com.  Existance of
data for EVERY file you are downloading is checked for before the actual
download process begins.  You will see Category "Message" Event "10" for
every missing file.  The entire range of dates and symbols you are expecting
to download is tested for the existance of data.  You won't see the
HISTORYBANK.COM Donload (1% completed) - Downloading...* status bar message
appear until this testing has finished and the "Messages 10" will continue
to scroll until the testing is finished.  Then the downloading of actual
data begins and the % complete appears on the Status Bar.  The Asterisk will
blink as the data is downloaded.  Ths slowness of which this process occurs
has a tendancy to make you think things are not working right and you may be
tempted to hit the File Stop Download.  This may freeze the Global Server.
Ctrl Alt Delete will help unstick it.  Upon restarting, the Server may
result in "This program has performed illegal operation and will be shut
down".  It may also read "Server Caused an invalid page fault in module blah
blah blah".  It is neccessary to be incredibly patient for the whole process
to finish what it is doing to keep from screwing up.  The manual does advise
downloading only a few days at a time but seems to be deficient on advising
just how long a download will take.  A "few hours" is an understatement if
you have very many symbols and very many days.  Again, just start with a few
symbols and a few days to get an idea of what you are up against.  Once you
are familiar with this length of time, then imagine having to download even
one day's worth of tick data for thousands or even a few hundred symbols.
In the end, you may prefer to use the TS4 download and import rather than
the Global Server as long as the data is still available.  This may have
other unpublished consequences.  No bashing intended.

Good Luck
-----Original Message-----
From: Melody Blais <Melody.Blais@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 'omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx' <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Saturday, March 20, 1999 11:20 AM
Subject: WHAT'S NEW FOR VERSION 2000i - BUILD 512

>Dear Omega Research Customer,
>The following document contains of list of what's new in Service Pack 1.
>This document will be available in the Bulletins section of our web site
>Monday, 3/22/99.
> Charting
>Addition of Percent Change Charts
> When you first create a chart, the y-axis represents the
>price of the symbol. Percent change charts use the y-axis to represent the
>percentage of price movement rather than price.
> Percent change charts are particularly useful when comparing
>price movements of multiple symbols because percent change charts allow you
>to compare different symbols on the basis of price percent changes rather
>than on price alone.
> For more information about percent change charts, see the
>Help topic, "Working with Percent Change Charts." To locate the appropriate
>Help topic(s), use the Answer Wizard instructions at the end of this
> Ability to Use an External Browser
> You can now access the Internet from within the Omega
>Research Desktop or from an external browser provided you have subscribed
>an Internet service provider (e.g., AOL, MSN, etc.).
> For more information about using the Internet Browser to
>place a trade, perform research, or access the web, see the Help topic,
>"Using Internet Research Smart Links to Conduct Internet Research." To
>locate the appropriate Help topic(s), use the Answer Wizard instructions at
>the end of this document.
> Addition of Dual Scaling
> You can display two y-axes in your chart window and display
>left and right vertical axes. This feature is especially useful when
>overlaying an indicator on price data and the indicator uses a different
>scaling than the symbol.
> For more information about dual scaling, see the Help topic
>"DispIaying Dual Scaling in a Chart Window." To locate the appropriate Help
>topic(s), use the Answer Wizard instructions at the end of this document.
> Ability to Center the Last Price on a Chart
> Centering the last bar on a chart uses the closing price of
>the last bar as a midpoint for the price axis (y-axis). When selected, this
>feature allows the user to see recent trends without the visual bias of the
>trend ending at the top or bottom of the chart window. A current bullish
>trend at the top of the chart window might give the false impression that
>the trend can not go higher. Conversely, a current bearish trend at the
>bottom of the chart window might give the false impression that the trend
>can not go lower. By centering the last price of a chart, you are better
>able to evaluate the recent trend in relation to previous data.
> For more information about dual scaling, see the Help topic,
>"Centering Last Price of a Chart Window." To locate the appropriate Help
>topic(s), use the Answer Wizard instructions at the end of this document.
> RadarScreen Specific
> Addition of Built-in Symbol Lists and Ability to Create
>Customized Symbol Lists
> RadarScreen contains many pre-defined lists that consist of
>related symbols. When you insert a Symbol List into a page, all symbols
>included in that list are added to that RadarScreen page. Symbol lists are
>grouped together by a common underlying theme such as exchange, industry,
>sectors within an industry, markets, etc. Symbol lists are great time
>as they allow you to very easily insert several symbols simultaneously into
>RadarScreen. You can even create and save your own Symbol Lists.
> Note: Symbol Lists are not available in QuoteMonitor.
> For more information about Symbol Lists, see the Help topic,
>"Managing Symbols Lists in RadarScreen." To locate the appropriate Help
>topic(s), use the Answer Wizard instructions at the end of this document.
> QuoteMonitor & RadarScreen
> Revised Number of Symbols That Can Be Inserted in a Window
> Each QuoteMonitor window can contain up to 2,000 quotes.
>Each window can contain up to three pages and each page can contain up to
>700 quotes. Therefore, to have the maximum number of quotes in a
>QuoteMonitor window, you would create two pages with 700 symbols each and a
>third page with 600 symbols.
> Each RadarScreen window can contain up to 5,000 quotes. Each
>window can contain up to eight pages although a single page can contain up
>to the 5,000 quote limit.
> For more information about the number of symbols that can be
>inserted in a window, see the Help topics, "Working with RadarScreen" or
>"Working with QuoteMonitor." To locate the appropriate Help topic(s), use
>the Answer Wizard instructions at the end of this document.
> Ability to Send Quote Updates
> QuoteMonitor and RadarScreen allow you to send price quote
>updates to your e-mail address or your alphanumeric pager. You can enable
>this feature on a page-by-page basis.
> For more information about sending quote updates via your
>pager or e-mail address, see the Help topics, "Understanding the Quote
>Update Feature in QuoteMonitor" or "Understanding the Quote Update Feature
>in RadarScreen." To locate the appropriate Help topic(s), use the Answer
>Wizard instructions at the end of this document.
> Ability to Reset Alerts
> You can reset alerts that have been triggered for
>RadarScreen or QuoteMonitor provided you cleared the Disable Alert Once Hit
>check box when you originally enabled an alert for a cell, a series of
>in a column, or an entire column. In a volatile market, this allows you to
>be prepared to monitor the same alert conditions for the next session.
> For more information about resetting triggered alerts, see
>the Help topics, "Resetting RadarScreen Triggered Alerts at a Specified
>of Day" or "Resetting QuoteMonitor Triggered Alerts at a Specified Time of
>Day." To locate the appropriate Help topic(s), use the Answer Wizard
>instructions at the end of this document.
> OptionStation
> Ability to Customize the X-Axis of a Position Chart
> You can now specify whether the X-axis represents price,
>time, or volatility. This allows you to easily view how each of these
>factors influence your position.
> For more information about formatting a Position Chart, see
>the Help topic, "Formatting a Position Chart." To locate the appropriate
>Help topic(s), use the Answer Wizard instructions at the end of this
> Ability to Copy Multiple Positions from a Multi-Asset
>Position Search
> You can now copy multiple positions from a multi-asset
>Position Search window to Position Analysis windows.
> For more information about copying multiple positions, see
>the Help topic, "Copying Positions from a Position Search Window to a
>Position Analysis Window." To locate the appropriate Help topic(s), use the
>Answer Wizard instructions at the end of this document.
> Desktop
> Additional Broker Added to Omega Research's Online Trading
> Wall Street Access has been added as an option when placing
>trades using the Internet Browser. You can place trades with your online
>brokerage service directly from your Omega Research ProSuite Desktop. The
>Internet Browser will link directly from the Omega Research Desktop to your
>online trading service. Your broker must have an alliance with Omega
>Research, Inc. to be accessible via the Place Trade shortcut.
> For more information about placing trades using the Internet
>Browser, see the Help topic, "Placing Trades." To locate the appropriate
>Help topic(s), use the Answer Wizard instructions at the end of this
> Passwords
> You can now add, delete, and modify existing passwords
>within the Desktop.
> For more information about using passwords, see the Help
>topics, "Adding, Editing, and Deleting Your Password" and " Software and
>Data License, Satisfaction Guarantee, and Disclaimer." To locate the
>appropriate Help topic(s), use the Answer Wizard instructions at the end of
>this document.
> Using the Answer Wizard
> To use the Answer Wizard:
>1 Use the Help - Contents, Index, and Answer Wizard menu sequence from
>the GlobalServer, EasyLanguage PowerEditor, or Desktop.
>2 Click Answer Wizard.
>3 Type in your question.
>4 Click Search.
>5 Select the topic that relates to your question.
>6 Click Display.
>7 Click See Also for additional information if needed.
>Use the following link to visit the Support Online section of our web site.
>Melody A. Blais
>Omega Research, Inc.
>Customer Support Supervisor
>The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
>which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged
>material.  Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or
>taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or
>entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited.  If you received
>this in error, please contact  the sender and delete the material from any