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Re: CL_Abandoned TS 4.0 users

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To anyone in this situation, I would suggest the following:

a) If you are a trader, then your job is to trade with a good set of tools.
Would a carpenter stop building houses if Stanley stopped making good
hammers? There is tons of good software out there which will allow you to do
whatever you need to do: collect data from BMI, DTN or net; build and run
charts in real-time or EOD; apply studies; build custom indicators, tools
and systems; draw lines; and almost anything else you need to do.

b) If you are a trader, then your job is to trade with a sound psyche. If
Omega is aggravating you or you lack confidence in their products or
support, then put Omega behind you and move on. There is nothing more
important to a trader than a sound psyche.

c) If you are a trader, they you are a business person. Business people get
promises from salespersons in writing. If you don't have the promises in
writing, then you made a bad business decision so move on. If you look at
other products, ask for a competitive upgrade price. If the cost/hassle of
switching vendors is too great, then make a business decision to stick with
what you have and put the aggravations aside


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Carroll <carrollm@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: code-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <code-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Cc: carrollm@xxxxxxxxxx <carrollm@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 1999 7:27 PM
Subject: CL_Abandoned TS 4.0 users

>I have refrained from "Omega Research Bashing" in the past.  I had believed
>that TS was a great product and Omega would fix the y2k issue and support
>customers and that those of you who expressed dissent against Omega would
>proven wrong.  However, my patience has waned.  First, upon purchase of TS
>4.0 I was told that a y2k patch would be available by July 1998.  It is now
>March '99 and still nothing.  I was also told that I would be able to
>upgrade to TS 2000 for an additional $100.  Upon contacting Omega today,
>they replied, "we have no knowledge of such an offer."
>At this point, I am unsure of what to do.  I have completely lost my faith
>in this organization.  Furthermore, I suspect there will not be enough $
>left to go around when y2k litigation begins to unravel (assuming a patch
>not made available).  I assume a patch will not be available and that a
>credit will be given towards the purchase of TS 2000.  In that case, Omega
>still wins; I am forced to pay to make my software y2k compliant.  What a
>crock.  Omega has already done this with other products such as Wall Street
>Analyst by abandoning it and offering a credit towards the purchase of
>Omega products.
>I will quit my bitching now.
>What are the odds of me recovering even a portion of $?  And, is it
>worthwhile to join in one of the numerous class action suits that will
>undoubtedly be brought against Omega.