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TS2000 issues

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I am quite concerned because the lack of a *timely* Y2k fix for TS4 seems
as though it will be used to *force* me to upgrade to 2000i.  *timely* = 
(like, now, would be good, so I can use the data now available)

The initial reports posted here seem to be mixed, at best. However, some
people, especially 'power users', may experience more problems than
others. It might be useful to see the level of problems a variety of
people are experiencing. 

Even though we have lots of hype, it is not clear what the new pgm 
really can, and can't, do.

Is it possible to chart, and to access from EL, the bid, ask, volume, etc
fields transmitted by Signal, BMI, etc? 

Are the icons used to rapidly access pages really gone?  If so, is there
another way to quickly (1 click) go between many already-opened pages? 

Are the expert commentary and text capabilities still there?  Do they work
exactly the same way as they did in TS4? 

Is there a way to send text to a *single* stay-on-top window from any 
study, on any page, at any time?

Can the global variables access files, VB pgms, etc?

Some of the items Mark Brown brought up earlier have still not been
addressed very well. Could we review some of the items Mark has mentioned? 

> You wait until you run this thing real time and you see that it crashes with
> the slighest thing you do,  

How often do others have crashes?  Please answer for REAL-TIME ONLY!!!!!

> Even with 256 megs of ram its a hog, it takes 20
> seconds to open a workspace with 5 days of tick data and nothing else on it
> (no indicators or systems).  

Other timings, memory usage??  for RT ONLY, please!

> The values for many of the symbols are still
> screwed up, YES it still has a symbol universe-just well hidden.   Yes the
> hidden symbol universe is screwed up.  If you load a symbol that is not
> being collected by mistake it will take the entire system down and you must
> reboot.  

Others experience? RT ONLY!  Other *symbol*-related things that crash it?

> When you crash, you must reboot there is no other way.  

Time from boot --> working screens? (I use many charts - even in TS4, this
can take 30-45 mins) RT ONLY! 

> the name of the signals on a system have to
> appear on the chart or not be seen at all. 

Any work-around or fix?

> it can take 20
> minutes for a system results page to come up on 17,500 bars of data.

Other timings observed?

> To
> correct a bad tick - GET THIS - you have to correct it in EVERY way you are
> saving it.  This means you get a bad tick and you correct the tick data,
> well if you were saving the data in hourly also you must correct it there
> too.  If you fix the tick data you haven't fixed all the time frames of data
> like the old ts 4 does.  

Uh-Oh.  Bad news.  Any fix for this? Could be a *real* problem, and make
corrections impractical, especially if it is as slow as it seems. 

Timings: fix data --> fully operational system?  RT ONLY! (crashes count
as extra time) I hope it's not so long we'll all have to go back to
position trading <grin>. (Please mention how many charts & studies you
have open - makes a BIG difference.)

> The systems 
> results has been replaced by that Piece of Crap RINA thing that takes 
> FORRRRRever to load even the simplest of systems and view the
results.  If 
> you have ever run this thing as a add on with ts 4 you know what I'm 
talking > about. 

Others have timings to report?

> You will have a new purpose in life now and a reason to get up early
> each morning too.  So you can reboot the whole system each morning before
> the markets open, because after its nightly update the server hangs.  While
> the thing still works it is impossible to re enter the server to do
> anything.  

Is this fixed in the new patch?

Please - answer all of this only for RT DATA USE.  Other answers are not 
that useful.

I realize a survey like this is a gold mine for the Omega shills, and we
must expect responses from them.  Nevertheless, it might still be
informative if several others can report their experience - it will give
all of us a better overall perspective. 

Thanks for your help...
