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Re: TS 2000i

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I guess I'll wait until Mark Brown and the others say it's ok to use.

I'm afraid the new version would screw me up.  There are just too many
horror stories out there, whether true or imaginary ...  

At 08:56 AM 03/13/99 +0530, Sudarshan wrote:
>I just installed TS2000i. Here are some quick comments:

>The  500 dollar question is : Should a TS 4 user upgrade ? Well, users
>were satisfied with WIndows 3.11, yet most have eventually migrated to
>WIn 95 or 98 or NT. A few years ago, 100 mhz pentium was the state of
>the art. It is probably obsolete. So, the answer is, there is a
>technological upgrade and tech users have no option but to move up on
>the ladder. They have to upgrade, sooner or later.

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