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Re: And the standings are...

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Dans un courrier daté du 09/03/99 09:27:38 Heure d9iver Pari38 Madrid,
markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :

>  >Mark Brown  412 posts  < BASHING, EXPOSING
Exposing bashing and mainly bashing on this list.
No valid contribution to this list since months.
Code List (by the same) was interesting.
Means that nobody could be 100% bad.
99.5 is possible  but maybe exagerated.

Parenthesis opens here :
I take a  chance to give an information:
The ChartScanner feature still exists in TS2000i ( received today), but under
a different name ( see  Workspace Assistant).
You do not need RadarScreen 2000i, more targeted to realtime scanning, to
replace Chart Scanner.
 Parenthesis ends here.
>  >Robert Cummings  400   < MIXED
Yes, but seriously 
>  >Pier Orphelin  317   < SPAMMING (btw this is me)
aka Pierre Orphelin
Financing anti bashing and Omega free speech answers by some advertising on
this list (but rare).
Volume produced depends on bashing  volume contribution

>  >Hans Esser  252  < ANTI SPAMMING
Euhhh, yes, maybe...

>  >Ron Augustine  198  < ANTI MARK
Good guy.
>  >SPTrader 188  < MIXED
Yes, mixed.

>  >Earl Adamy  183 < MIXED
dv,koj%%fzefbsdjkhsml,ùààààà@@, very often.
>  >TradeJack  177 < MIXED
See above , but without the ,ùààààà@@ mention
>  >Bob Fulks  109  < HELP and Omega Financial reports
Sure, a model for all of us.
Unfortunately not followed...

>  >Dennis Hoversston  108  < just too weird to figure out 
Interesting comments, often

>  Howard = MUNGO/BINKY or TD < a registered trademark  
Poor old dog...

Pierre Orphelin
(aka Pier Orphelin).