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Re: Bond tragedy: Attention EL experts

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I can't comment on the technical issues you have, but I highly recommend Sam
Tennis as a programmer/Solution Provider.



-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Hoon <phoon@xxxxxxx>
To: 'omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx' <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, March 08, 1999 11:00 PM
Subject: Bond tragedy: Attention EL experts

>I am trying to find a way to combine us9m and zb9m into a continuous data
stream to which I can apply indicators and a system written in EL.
>With globalization, I find that there are more and more large gaps between
the afternoon closing price of us9m and the next morning opening of us9m.  I
want to develop a bond system based on a sequential stream of bond data
during weekdays that is about 23 and 3/4 hours of bond trading.
Specifically, the continuous stream starts when us9m closes at 2:00 PM CST
and we switch to zb9m at 2:15 PM CST through 7:29 AM CST the next morning.
At 7:30 am CST  we switch back to us9m..
>Unfortunately, the CBT decided to assign its night ("electronic") bond
trading session to the symbol zb9m and its day session to us9m.  If you put
us9m into data1 and zb9m into data2, you can create a chart that will
visually show you a continuous stream of bond data.  But, you cannot apply
your bond system to a continuous data stream;  you can only apply it to
either us9m or zb9m.
>I wrote easylanguage and technical support about the problem.  One trading
club member suggested that I write zb9m and us9m into an array, and then
read this back into charting in real time.  However, techsupport said that
ts4 and ts2000i will not allow you to use an array as a real time data
>I have Putt's book on EL and am at an intermediate level of EL coding
>They said I must use an external file and manipulate it on a real time
basis.  They suggested an Omega Research Solution Provided help me develop
external data files and dynamic linc libraries (dlls).
>I wanted to get the input of digest members on the following:
>1)  Is there a simpler and obvious solution that I have overlooked?
>2)  The dll approach sounds quite complex and I am concerned about possible
problems with ts stability as it reads in the dll in real time.  This
approach is currently over my head technically;  even if I could get help on
the EL code needed to meld a composite data stream composed of us9m and zb9m
into one, I have no knowledge of how to use it to create the dll.  How
difficult is this technically, and what are the system stability risks?
>3)  Though Omega provided a list of solution providers, I shied away from
contacting them, because I did not know their qualifications, and I was
fearful of being hit for a large consulting fee.  Could digest members
recommend a Solution provider who is known among the group?  Could you also
estimate what kind of a fee I might be asked to pay to achieve my goal?
>Any other ideas or suggestions would be welcome.
>Thanks in advance,