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RE: Omega Y2K & FAQ's

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For starters, the fix for TS4 will need to be a 16bit fix.  All new OR
products are 32 bit apps which use a different memory referencing so that
eliminates all the new apps.  For the other 16 bit apps, you can't take a
"fix" designed for one product and apply it to another product simply
because they use the same basic calandar scheme.  All software apps are
unique in the way they are structured and coded.  Unless the app was
specifically engineered to allow this type of patch (which I strongly doubt
cause that would mean Omega was aware of Y2K way back then so why didn't
they just build Y2K compatiblity in rather than a patch later?) then Omega
will have to egineer and release a separate patch for each product.  Like
one system isn't applicable for all traders, one patch isn't applicable to
all related software.  They could however, deliver all patches for their
16bit products in one file that had different patches internally but
installed separate so-called fixes for each app.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: greene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:greene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Saturday, March 06, 1999 6:31 PM
> To: sptradr@xxxxxxxxx
> Cc: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Omega Y2K & FAQ's
> There are 9 technical support bulletins specifically listed on the Omega
> Research web site.  And the link you  gave isn't one of them (although the
> link you cite takes you to the web page that you used to able to find
> navigating the OR web site).  So it appears that this has been hidden from
> the person who's browsing the web site.  If it hasn't been hidden
> - tell me
> how to navigate from the OR home page to this specific item.  Robyn (not
> technically challenged - just unable to find things that have been hidden
> from ordinary users)
> P.S.  I'll admit I'm not the most technically oriented person in
> the world.
> And - since you apparently are - I'll ask you the following question.  If
> there is a Y2K patch forthcoming to remedy the deficiencies in prior OR
> products related to Julian calendar programming - why shouldn't it work on
> all Omega products which use the Julian calendar (which is
> basically all OR
> products) - instead of only the most recent versions of those products.
> Technical problems - or marketing ploy?  You tell me.  And please be
> specific (even if I'm not the most technically oriented person here - I'm
> sure there are people here who can understand very technical
> explanations).