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Re: Futures mag sells opinions?

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where are we headed w/ this ?

David "commented " on an inconsitency re (as usaul) BW  in your  " tabloid
" -

first you attack him (David) by the lame-duck attempt referencing TASC -
which was promptly  " slammed on the carpet "

now i'm concerned about your intentions in the first place...... not to
mention any relevance for a mag to be in this conversation on this list
  in the first place  -

as far as "testimonials "  plaaa....ese -  spare the tortured diatribe  -
hell i can get testimonials too - it's called the cemetary  - absentee
ballot !

sure reeks of  " been there - done that !  " .....again !  with BW  a few
back -  on this list  !

BW is a " hack "  - and have yet to see any evidence to the contrary !  of
couse not -with standing the "testimonials "  choke..cough..cough !


----- Original Message -----
From: James T. Holter <jholter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: Futures mag sells opinions?

>We received a lot of response from the Bill
>Williams review. While many of our readers
>voiced quite a bit of support of our reviewer's
>negative take, several slammed us for, as they
>claimed, discrediting a guru who apparently
>had taught them how to trade quite well.
>What we printed in the magazine was what we
>felt was necessary to balance out the discussion.
>By the way, could you let me know what page
>the Bill Williams ad is on. I flipped through
>the book and didn't see one.
>James Holter
>Managing Editor
>PS: All decisions on the editorial content of
>Futures are made by the editors. We get paid to
>see that the content is balanced and factual.
>Trust me, none of us has any interest in boosting
>the ad sales guys commissions at the expense of
>our own careers.
>If you wish to discuss any aspect of the editorial,
>feel free to call me at (312) 977-0999, ext. 237,
>or e-mail me. You can reach our editor-in-chief
>at gszala@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>====David Cicia wrote:====
>Last month Futures mag surprised alot of people by printing an honest
>negative review of the the latest crap self-promotion book from Bill
>Williams. From personal experience and alot of wasted time in the past I
>can assure you that the review was correct. Some people here said,
>cynically it seemed, that this was able to happen because BW did not give
>them ad dollars.
>Well guess what. This month BW has an ad in their mag, and low and behold -
>they print 2 long letters to the editor (I strongly suspect, because of
>their style and lavish wording, written by BW himself!!) glowingly praising
>his trading prowess, his courses, etc etc. I have never seen so much space
>devoted to free testimonials before. I could puke because it is all lies -
>and BIG ones at that!
>Goes to show you the cynics were right!! In this industry the pretenders
>can buy their way to respectability. (Not to mention the good-old-boys
>network of vendors who scratch one another's backs, often for kickbacks,
>etc. etc.)
>Whether it is TradeStation, or data providers or vendors of systems, or a
>market guru, it is important to stamp a very very large CAVEAT EMPTOR
>(buyer beware) on EVERYTHING that you get pitched at you! Not just in the
>industry rags either - from ANYWHERE!
>What goes on in the business is truly disgusting. In most other industries
>most of these things wouldn't be tolerated. Run the bums out of town.
>There are plenty more like BW out there. In fact, probably the rule rather
>than the exception. Sad but true. The risks of trading are not just in the
>markets! It's a big risk just trying to get through the jungle to learn how
>to trade. We don't need fraud on top of the inherent difficulties of
>That's why I am also in favor of Mark Brown's rantings on this list. He is
>uncouth but certainly the scam artists out there need exposing. He's like
>the little boy shouting "the emporer has no clothes!" Also sad but true. I
>appreciate honesty in all areas of my life and relationships. I want it in
>this business also. Don't find much though.
>David Cicia