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Re: Refs to ssiact.386

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Maybe this will help ...In Win NT you can go to the REGISTRY to change
the settings.  I changed mine from LPT1 to LPT2.  There's a readme file
in ts/prog/drivers/nt which follows below.

To enable DOS and Windows programs to check the ACTIVATOR under Windows

Put the Virtual device driver into \winnt\SYSTEM32 directory and 
the DOS and Physical device drivers into \winnt\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS:


To load the Virtual Device Driver for ACTIVATOR, you have to add


to the CONFIG.NT file in Windows NT \winnt\SYSTEM32 directory.

With the programs SSIREGI.EXE and SSIREGM.EXE you can automatically
install/modify the SSIPDDP driver into NT's Registry database.
To install, simply run the command

        SSIREGI  install

After installing into Registry (and copying the SSIPDDP.SYS into the
directory \WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS) you have to reboot Windows NT.

If the security device is attached to LPT1, no modification necessary.
If another port is used, modify the registry with the command

        SSIREGM  LPTPort=n

where n=1-9 is the port#. Probably you don't need to modify the
virtual port address (for DOS and Win16 programs), but if you wish,
you may change with the command

        SSIREGM  VPort=hhhh

where hhhh is 4-digit hexadecimal port address (use 1000-3FF8).
If your computer is too fast and (in DOS mode) need delay adjustment
with the SSI_ACT environment variable, you have to do the same in the
registry with the command

        SSIREGM  SSI_ACT=n,n,n

In case you are using a very old ACTIVATOR/M, you have to modify the
registry in order to correctly write the old device. Use the command


If you make any modification in the registry, you have to reboot NT
in order to use the new setting.

If you want to completely remove the driver, run the command

        SSIREGI  remove

(If the driver is in use, the Registry key will be deleted only
next boot time.) If you used the virtual device driver, don't forget
to remove the line DEVICE=SSIDDDP.SYS from the CONFIG.NT file.

Alternatively, you may modify the Registry manually (using REGEDT32.EXE)
to add the device driver. Go into the hive
and create a new key "SSIPDDP". Add the following values:

    ErrorControl = REG_DWORD 0x00000001
    Group = REG_SZ Extended Base
    Start = REG_DWORD 0x00000002
    Type = REG_DWORD 0x00000001

Create (inside SSIPDDP) a subkey "Parameters" and inside this subkey
add the following values:

    LPTPort = REG_DWORD 1
    VPort = REG_DWORD 0x3078

(If you want to use different LPT port, set the 1st value to 2 or 3,
for different virtual port address, the value must be >0x1000 and the
last hexa digit must be 0, 4, 8 or C)

You also may add the values SSI_ACT=n,n,n and SSI_MEM=OLD in the
"Parameters" subkey.


Hope this helps


J. Rodney Grisham wrote:
> Jim Osborn wrote:
> > Before I go digging through all the various files I've saved over
> > the years, could someone enlighten me as to the various ways you
> > know of to point to a location for the security driver: ssiact.386.
> >
> > In my stock installation, there's a line in C:\windows\system.ini:
> >
> > [386Enh]
> > device=ssiact.386
> > ...
> >
> > and the driver itself lives in directory: C:\windows\system
> Same for my NT installation of TS 4.
> >
> > I'm trying to fire up TS under Wabi in Linux, and I get a message
> > when I fire up the server that "ssiact.386 is not loaded" so I'm
> > hoping with a bit more explicit pointer in the or_serve.ini, or
> > somewhere like that, I can get the driver recognised.
> >
> > I seem to recall this is an issue the NT folks have had to wrestle with.
> > Any pointers?
> The results from the command
> dir /s ssi*.*
> on a Win NT system are:
> Directory of C:\WINDOWS\system
> 09/07/96  07:51a                40,601 SSIACT.386
> Directory of C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
> 10/15/94  06:00a                58,880 SSIREGI.EXE
> 10/15/94  06:00a                71,680 SSIREGM.EXE
> 09/07/96  07:51a                16,384 SSIVDDP.1
> 09/07/96  07:51a                16,384 SSIVDDP.DLL
> 09/07/96  07:51a                   628 SSIDDDP.SYS
> 09/07/96  07:51a                52,224 SSIPDDP.SYS
> Directory of C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\inetsrv
> 04/30/97  11:00p                47,888 SSINC.DLL
> There is no reference to any of these files in the (do nothing in NT)
> autoexec.bat or config.sys files.
> Rod