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RE: Spammers Taking Over Omega List

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Doug Demming wrote:
">> The Omega-List ran for years without the "help" of bashers. It contained
>> lot of helpful information and only on occasion did we have a problem
>> spammers."

A few years ago was a completely different place and so this isn't a valid
argument.  Bashers play a vital role in keeping this list as clean as

Even as early as 2 years ago Omega was a fledging company with less then 1/2
the installed the base. The internet wasn't nearly as popular or accesable
as it is today.  Hardware technology wasn't nearly what it is today which
made lists like this and internet less accesible.  Marketers hardly new what
the word Internet meant 2 years ago.  In the past 2-3 years, marketers have
become much more Internet savy and developed ways to market their products
to specific customer base over the Internet for practicaly pennies.  They
can do this from the comfort of their office or home.  As the customer base
of TS and SC has grown exponentially over the past 2-3 years, so has the
popularity of Easy Language.  IN the past 2 years more systems have been
written in Easy Language than any other trading language.  Over the past 2
years Omega has courted system and utility developers with their solution
provider program.  Consequently the numbers of 3rd party Omega Vendors has
exploded.  You didn't have this 2-3 years back.  With this explosive growth
of Omega and 3rd party developers comes a huge increase in abuse of lists
like this one.  This is the ONLY list that specifically targets a huge base
of usually rich (at least well off -- they dropped 2K on TS didn't they?)
sophisticated users that buy products for TS and SC.

IT has been well documented on this list that the scrupels MANY system
vendors are pathetic, selling crap for $3,000a system copy.  Do you think
they care about some stupid rules on a list when they could potentially sell
their systems to a few people on this list for a huge profit?  GREED makes
most vendors take a devil-be-damned attitude toward rules of this list and
they'll just keep posting and posting and posting unless something is done
because a lot of money is at stake.

Bashers play the important role of acting as the balance to this force and
encourage accountability.

The Bill Elkyn incident is a perfect example.  He has posted for months
about his prfitable approach to bond trading yet when invited to post real
time results to prove the effectiveness of his methods, he has yet to
accept.  How reliable can his method be if he is unwilling to demonstrate to
others the effectivenes of his approach?

Bashers are responible for bringing this to the attention of the list.

Would you buy a car if the salesman wouldn't at least demonstrate that it
ran?  Then why would you buy a system from a vendor that wasn't willing to
demonstrate it's effectiveness?

So you can't compare the way the list was 4,3 or even 2 years ago because
the world has changed.

Without the bashers on this list we would all be swimming in a sea
advertisements for utilites, systems and get rich quick schemes most of
which would be downright criminal.

Newbies would be the worst hit and depsite all the polite, gentle pleas from
the gentlemen on this list it would just keep on happening because vendors
don't give a rats arse.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Ron Augustine [mailto:RonAug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:	Tuesday, November 10, 1998 5:15 PM
To:	omega-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:	Re: Spammers Taking Over Omega List

The Usenet comparison is specious argument.  Usenet is a worldwide network
of mostly anonymous people with alias e-mail addresses-- posting a wide
variety of un-focused garbage and personal opinions.  The Omega-List is (or
formerly was) a focused group where the members have a common interest in
trading and specialized software.

When one or two brief Posts from someone who may or may not intend to
contribute something of value results in 30 or 40 posts containing personal
attacks and slanderous comments -- something is wrong.  I suggest that the
attackers are the cyber-counterpart of a party crasher who doesn't know how
to socialize and fit-in and enjoy a good time-- but instead is intent only
on insuring that the possibility of anyone else receiving any benefit is
also destroyed.

It would be simple enough to make a comment or two if you think a particular
message is not appropriate.  The repetitive and redundant personal attacks
serve only to destroy the List and chase away potential contributors and
others who have better things to do than wear out a delete button.

At 11:13 AM 11/10/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Doug Deming wrote:

>> The Omega-List ran for years without the "help" of bashers. It contained
>> lot of helpful information and only on occasion did we have a problem
>> spammers.
>I'm sure it did. In fact USENET operated in the same fashion for years -
>until 1994 when Internet was 'opened' to the general public.  Two
>immigration lawyers started a massive advertising campaign by posting
>commercial messages on a variety of newsgroups.  One of them went on to
>write a book on how spam the newsgroups.  Since then, USENET has changed
>dramitically and continues to have problems with spammers.  The Omega
>list most likely has fallen victim to this same new 'revolution'.