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Re: Spammers Taking Over Omega List

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:Freedom of speech is restricted because the silent majority are in private
communication, they just exclude the spambashtrash from their useful

**What do You Know of Freedom, you Irish suppressor.

:A tragedy for the list as a whole and especially the newbie ... that is
until they infiltrate the private circles...

**In the type circle you would be a participant in would be to jerky for me.
Get it? thought not!

:As yet I have not seen the noise come up with anything constructive nor
worthwhile, yet....

**I am posting trades real time like you requested, are you blind or stupid?
I have yet to see you post your proof, glove tosser.

Sir Marks A Lot

:-----Original Message-----
:From: Brian Massey [mailto:bnm03@xxxxxxx]
:Subject: RE: Spammers Taking Over Omega List
:With regards to using your delete key -- take your pick.  Without the
:bashsers you could either spend an hour each day deleting