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"Raymond W Stacey"  in his message Re: P.R.A.T.  ALERT wrote:

> I must publicly comment most strongly about Herr Hans Esser's attitude and
> insulting words ...

Just call me "hans"

> 1	Bill Eykyn is a well known and much respected man. He is a broadcaster
> (BBC), 

never saw a record from him - is he in the TOP TEN ?

> author and of late a T-Bond Trader.

nobody cares

> 2	Katherina McGowan is a real person ... 

Thanks "Gaius Marius" for pointing this out. I was wrong in that part and I do 
apology for a wrong assumption here.

My reasons for that assumption been:

+ I searched my 10.000+ Omega mails forlder and "katherina macgowan" has 
NEVER been seen on this list before - making me suspicious 

+ I just have been abused by another hotmail acc and therefore Im HIGHLY 
suspicous of such adress (may be wrong)

+ Her subject line started with a "Re." = Re: Bonds  for  beginners and Bill Eykyn, 
however my seach didnt locate any such PRIOR subject - why was it "Re" ?

+ B.E. has been spamming the list for long time and had been told to stop and 
never cared......so I overreacted. Again, as above, I do apology for "jumping the 
gun" in that part - the rest of my message still stands

> 3	Self promotion ... I have not been on Eskimo long but have been
> inundated with emails about getting ela's from self mailing company
> addresses

Pity that you came so late, but you can sure find enough B.E. spam-messages in 
the archives - however you will have problems in locating other stuff.

People like PO and DD (and others) sure "earn" their right for a little ad here and 
than - but B.E. has still to deliver........

> 5	Would you believe this ... YES ..... In fact I wrote the preface to
> Bill's Manual which is not selling a commercial system ......it is in fact
> a teaching manual showing you how to trade the T-Bonds first met Bill 6
> months ago at a DBC Seminar.....I proof read his book for him (I am a
> reputable published author and a trader too). I wrote the preface for it
> too. It is an as I considered it to be an excellent publication.

I do believe

> As for your question why does DBC Euro put this kind of stuff on it's
> website .... I a DBC Customer with no pecuniary interest will tell you ...

Im on DBC aswell - hope you dont turn my feed off

> They have an interest in their customers and their trading activities.

They should concentrate on speeding up their "delayed"-real-time-feed, get a 
proper FOREX feed (as I tell them since 3 years), get proper DTB data....etc. 

> Today in England it is Remembrance Day 

I dont comment on your battle field story - last time someone tried to pull me in 
such a story, was 10 years ago, when I worked and lived in LONDON - Yes, can 
you believe it ???. I been in London and I love it and I have MANY frriends there 
+ 2-3 of them are even on this list here.........I told the guy at the time, that my 
*father* was 2 !!! years old when hitler was elected and I cant comment on the 
time, youre alone ! Did you serve in WW I ??

> Raymond W Stacey

never seen on that list before - but maybe real
> I have circulated this reply elsewhere for information as BCC (blind
> circulated copies)

CONGRATS - please forward my answer to them aswell

rgds hans