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[Fwd: will do well for tecnical stock structure reasons]

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From: Dave Hodge <ddhodge@xxxxxxxx>
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Newsgroups: alt.invest.technical-analysis.omega
Subject: will do well for tecnical stock structure reasons
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Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 15:47:54 GMT
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 07:47:54 PDT
Xref: newshub2.home.com alt.invest.technical-analysis.omega:30000976

Hi, I have a new oppertunity that you could do well from. The reson
this will do well is that it is so fresh, and the market has very few
potincal sellers, as  result of the stock structure. Here is the last
news and the market by depth. I you would like to talk to me about this
you can reach me at the following.

Dave Hodge
E-mail tln@xxxxxxxxxxx (at the office)
E-mail ddhodge@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (at home)
Phone 604 681 1568
Fax at the office 604 681 8240
Fax at home office 604 421 3617

Here is the opportunity

Market Depth for RRL - V

Depth by Price for RRL - V as of 1998-10-30 13:28:32 

        Bid          Ask
   1 3,000   0.30 - 0.35 5,000 1
   1 6,000   0.27 - 0.38 5,000 1
   1 15,000  0.26 - 0.40 1,000 1
   1 5,000   0.25 - 0.44 4,000 1
   1 10,000  0.24 -

Rocca Resources Ltd - 

Mine Leonardo to be acquired

 Rocca Resources Ltd.               RRL-V

 Mr. David Hodge reports 
 The company has entered into an agreement to acquire a 100 per cent
undivided interest in and to the mine Leonardo, a mining licence over a
500 hectare hydrocarbon property within an existing petroleum producing
area in the Lujuan de Cuyo district west of the city of Mendoza,
Argentina. The vendor is Grupo Economico Fenix S.A. (GEF), an arm's
length party. The consideration for the acquisition will be the payment
of $25,000 (U.S.) upon VSE approval and the issuance of 1,400,000 shares
upon VSE approval and, if required,
shareholder approval. In addition, the vendor will receive a 14 per cent
net profits royalty and a $2,000,000 (U.S.) lump sum payment upon
commencement of commercial production.  A study prepared by the
Universidad Nacional De Cuyo of Argentina investigated the possible
commercial production of petroleum products from open pit mining and
retorting the oil shales on the property. The conclusion of this study
is that commercial production from the oil shales,  even on as smallas a
100 tonne per day basis, would be economic.
Products  derived from the property will be butane gas, napthas,
tolulene, light lubrication oils and heavy oils. In addition, the
sedimentary sections between the oil bearing shales contain interbeds of
bentonite and cement type clays. The bentonite is in demand for the
local oil well drilling and filtering markets, and the cement shales
along with the clinker ashfrom the retort are of value for the cement
 The university study showed a potential profit of approximately $100
(U.S.) per tonne, for a pilot plant operation of 100 tonnes of oil shale
ore plus bentonite and clinker ash per day. The university study
concentrated on a
small outcropping portion of the favourable oil shale, bentonite, and
clay sedimentary horizons. Only 265m along strike were used in the
tonnage calculations through the 7.6m oil ore section and were taken to
a depth of only 50m.
There is an estimated resource of 181,260 tonnes on the 265m section
with room for 715,500 tonnes of oil bearing beds using a thickness of
20m. From the maps supplied, the oil bearing horizons continue along the
length of the property.  The company will undertake an initial due
diligence review of the available data with an initial field program to
confirm the existing resource and to plan for follow up mapping,
sampling and drilling to further define the resource. 
In order to finance the due diligence review and further work on the
property, along with the acquisition costs, the company will undertake a
private placement of 1,000,000 units at 15 cents per unit, each unit
consisting of one
share and one share purchase warrant exercisable for two years at 30

The private placement and the acquisition are subject to VSE approval.


Per:  "David Hodge"
David Hodge, President

The Vancouver Stock Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the
information contained herein.

Dave Hodge
E-mail tln@xxxxxxxxxxx (at the office)
E-mail ddhodge@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (at home)
Phone 604 681 1568
Fax at the office 604 681 8240
Fax at home office 604 421 3617