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Re: Who makes money?

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Bill and other Newbes

There is a company listed at the commodity exchanges offering real time
trading simulated futures accounts.
They send out confirmations and statements. I talked with them and they
said if I tried it and could tell the difference from the real thing I
could have my money back. I not sure of the cost but seems to me this would
be the next logical step for people to put their ideas to the test. I
checked on them because I send people who contact mev there all the time to
them. The reason to trade is money and people decide that's what they want
to do with their lives day trade and be your own boss. Its attractive and
like everything in life its different than it sounds. I think people really
put a lot of hope in this to make a living and when the prospect comes
around that they can't they start hollering give me truth, then degrees of
truth. If you want to find people that will tell to sell you something to
make your dreams come true you've come to the right business. Fact is your
not going to take this lists recommendations either way. If you want the
truth go trade with these folks were your ego will probably suffer and your
dreams might die. You will learn without losing a great deal of money. The
truth about this subject is not here on this list or in a statistic its in
you and you got to deal with it, either you can or you can't trade for a
living. Go find out. If you can win with the stimulated folks then you will
realize it can be done then if you don't in real trading you will know it
is you, your emotions that prevent success.


 William Heinz wrote:
>I didn't mean to strike a sour note. As a potential trader I was struck by a
>recent posting on this list by a broker who "confessed" that in his 18 years
>he had only seen a "handfull" of traders who were profitable. That doesn't
>even add up to 10% which is the advertised figure. Maybe some of us want
>somebody to provide some proof as to their success although I know it is
>certainly not required. After being to several "real time" S&P seminars and
>seeing the "big boys" trade "frantically and haphazardly" and also
>consistently lose on that particular day I'm naturally skeptical although
>still fascinated by the possibility that day trading S&P's could be a
>successfull venture. Somebody's winning in this zero sum game and I just
>guess I am wondering if it is the little guy. Maybe the whole secret is in
>money mangement or maybe the present market is just too volatile. Short term
>stock trading seems a less risky and a possible viable alternative although
>does require much more capital. Also stock trading doesn't get much ink on
>this list. Again I am not trying be controversial but rather just searching
>for the thruth. I certainly have nothing whatsoever to brag about and this
>is not about put down. And then even the "Big Boys" don't post their real
>track records so why should you?   Pinhead  Bill
>-----Original Message-----
>From: sptradr@xxxxxxxxx <sptradr@xxxxxxxxx>
>To: William Heinz <wheinz@xxxxxxx>
>Cc: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Saturday, October 24, 1998 11:06 PM
>Subject: Re: Who makes money?
>>Why?  To satify your over-inflated sense of superiority?
>>I got nothing to prove and certainly nothing to sell, so "BITE ME"
>>-Tony Haas
>>PS to Jeff: this kind of reply is typical from narrow-minded pinheads who
>>are envious of the successful, and a major reason why more of us don't post
>>on these lists.  The hassle is not worth it.
>>William Heinz wrote:
>>>You should post just one of your "ATM"  year end Brokerage reports to
>>>your big  successes. I have yet to see anything but verbage and boosts
>>>you so called successful traders. "Show me the money"!!!