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Successful Day Traders

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At least this strand has silenced the Omega Bashers for a moment, which is

By far the best post so far is the one from Roy Kelly.  Now there is a man
who knows what he is doing.  As for the others calling for people to say
what they are earning...   If anyone on a public forum like this is prepared
to give even an inkling on what he/she earns then they are very foolish.
Think about it.

Since those who are day trading successfully and have clearly not done so,
perhaps it proves that they are not that foolish - unlike those that have
asked them to do so, let alone expected an answer!

No trading is easy.  Position or Day.  There are as many people who have
succeeded at one, as the other.  There are thousands of failures of both.  I
suggest that most people fail because they are looking for a short cut to
riches.  They are looking for indicators and systems that will do the work
for them - and they don't exist.  I am quite sure that position traders have
to pick their indicators carefully and use them judiciously and, as everyone
on this List knows, I do not need or use indicators to day trade the
instrument I trade, the T-Bonds.

At the end of this week, I will be despatching the first orders for "A Hard
Way to make an Easy Living",  A Day Trading Manual for the 30-Year Treasury
Bonds.  These are mainly destined for the USA and Canada via FedEx, while
the second lot will be here, in the UK, at the seminar I am giving on 5th
November - which I am delighted to say at least one person is flying over
for, from New York to attend.

So, very shortly, those who would like to find out how you can, indeed, earn
a daily crust out of the world's most liquid, stable, tradable market, will
be able to do so...

Meanwhile, I thought you might like to read the Preface, by a trader I met
at a seminar in London and who, hitherto, has mainly traded the Gilts, so I
attach a Word document of it.

Bill Eykyn

Visit www.dbceuro.com