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RE: TS5 Press Release:

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Oh on the contrary, I think we do you know you.. You're a hardcore Texan
longhorn  who loves his republican party as much as he loves protecting the
interestes of big business in Texas -- oil and cattle.  You seem to hate
Clinton and blindly bash him at any opportunity, completely ignoring all the
other possible variables that caused him to take action on Monica or the
fact, that 90% of the republicans and democrats fighting against Clinton are
bunch FU--G HYPOCRTIS who have had just as many extramarital affairs as

You don't take into account things like perhaps the Clintons have an OPEN
SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP.  In which case there is nothing immoral about anything
he or she does because they have an agreement.  And if their relationship is
like that then it's none of your business!!!!!   Live and let live.  Lest he
who judges, be judged.

Furthermore, Clinton's soaring public approval shows that Americans like
their sex!  No prudism here.

This type of thing goes on all the time in Washington and always has.  Who
was the president that ran a bothell in the White House?  Oh and did I
mention that all this media attention sells crap -- magazines, newspapers,
media air time, you name it.  This kind of hype is good for business.
Couple that with an intense vendetta by the cirgarette companies and you
have this crap that America doesn't want but republicans and certain
industries are pushing down our throats.

It's made America the laughing stock of the world.

To try to put it into perspective for you, it would be like some wierdo
telling you you're a piss-poor American because you make most of your money
selling short!  Who the hell is he to tell me how I should trade.  Likewise,
who the hell are you to tell me how to live my life?

So if I, or my good friend Kim, sound like we're loving Omega to death, it's
really not that at all,   We're just looking at things honestly.

And it's just that you seem to have trouble grasping the other side of an

All the best,

-----Original Message-----
From:	Trade Jack [mailto:trade_jack@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent:	Saturday, October 03, 1998 12:04 PM
To:	omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject:	RE: TS5 Press Release:

and you sound like another omega shill, so who the hell are you to

you don't know me, so you don't know jack


separating the wheat from the chaff

---KIMBOLEGSA@xxxxxxx wrote:
Yes Brian, sounds like another 'newbie' software vendor

So Linux is going to succeed where Unix couldn't?

yes.  and if doesn't, why should you care?