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Re: TS5 Press Release:

  • To: "Andy Dunn" <andy@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: TS5 Press Release:
  • From: VISTA Research and Trading <skt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 05:46:29 -0400 (EDT)
  • In-reply-to: <>

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A thought for the list,

	I can not agree more!  This one message put more of my thoughts into one
place than all the words of all the 'experienced', 'world weary' hacks to

	Thank you, Andy, for taking a stand.

	Let us go forward from here with a positive, productive, constructive
attitude.  If you find yourself feeling pissy then, please, just put a cork
in it, at least until you have thought it over for a day or three.


>Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 19:35:40 -0700
>From: "Andy Dunn" <andy@xxxxxxxx>
>To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: TS5 Press Release: 
>I am on about 5-10 email lists and bulletin boards:
>	one for foosball (Tornado), one for porn webmaster (YNOT), one for dog
rescue (KerryBlue), one for trading (Omega) etc etc
>	and on EVERY list, people want to KILL THE COMPANY, or KILL THE LIST OWNER
...it just seems to be a freak thing about human psychology. This
TradeStation hatred is found in some form or other on every list I belong
to...wierdest crap I have ever seen.
>1. No own put a gun to your head to BUY tradestation
>2. Bill Cruz is not the devil, he is trying to make a good product 
>3. Omega can't make everyone happy
>4. If they suck so bad, go and by
>or one other of the 300 programs available at
>5. OMEGA doesn't OWE anyone an upgrade....and when the upgrade comes out,
odds are that you are not going to find the holy grail system there either!
>6. If TradeLab comes out, and they are dumb enough to have an email list,
it is 100% certain that people will scream about that product as been as
crappy, or crappier than TradeStation.
>7. If you think this type of programming is so easy, why don't you just
pay a programmer to whip together some custom code for you? I'll tell you
why...to pay a software house to do TradeStation from the ground up would
be $250,000-$500,000 or more. This is complex programming
>8. I hate to tell you, but listening to customer needs does not make a
strong company....strong marketing makes a rich company. Windows vs. Mac,
VHS vs. Beta, McDonalds vs. Burger King ...and a million other
examples...where one product emerges to the top of the heap through
marketing efforts. Pick up a copy of IBD and their are 2-three Omega ads a
day. So I don't think Omega is going to disappear anytime soon. They have a
good product, and they are very good at marketing it.
>I like Tradestation

    Samuel K. Tennis      VISTA Research and Trading, Inc.
    8103 Camino Real C-409          voice: 1(305) 273-1321
    S. Miami, FL  33143               fax: 1(305) 273-9164
    skt@xxxxxxxxx                    http://www.vista.com/
           ***** Easy Language Spoken Here *****