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Re: TS5 Press Release:

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>they've had a tradelab list now for many months.  most of the accused
>"bashers" on the omega-list are downright cordial and helpful on the
>tradelab list. i've only seen one complainer in several months.  don't
>believe me, subscribe and see.

Yes, but it is always a "Love Fest" in the beginning...then events follow a naturally prgression turning to hate. It is easy to love a product that doesn't exist. You mind imagines all the good things and doesn't think of any bad things.

>Not really.  maybe in windoze, but the more i've read about linux, the
>more i think it's doable.  i considered reassembling my old
>programming team and giving it a go with linux, something i considered
>many years ago before purchasing ts3.  if my guys could handle control
>process programming and acoustic control feedback loops, then a server
>/ charting package in linux shouldn't be too difficult, at least so
>they tell me (i was the hardware guy on the team).  but finding the
>time is another matter.

I think the challenge is equally difficult on any platform. I think it is probably easy to create a basic charting program...but then add
-ability to import data from a variety of sources
-100 indicators
-ability to test a system
-a language for non-programmers to write code
-order warnings in real time
and the million other features and the project grows exponentially

>[8. I hate to tell you, but listening to customer needs does not make
>a strong company]
>tell that to bob brickey and tradelab.  he listened to customer
>suggestions several months ago, and as a result, revamped tradelab
>from a ts add-in to a competitive stand-alone product.  he'll have
>more business than he can shake a stick at once the charting and umds
>modules are released.

Again, he still is vaporware. He may release a great product, but he will have a hard time making a living at it. There are about 20 people from his group that will buy is software...then what? Then he has to
-buy ads in magazines
-buy ads in newspapers
-go to tradeshows and promise more vapor

and market it. 

If you build, they will not come.
