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Re: static

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My comments were aimed more at style than substance.  I don't have time to
read and re-read repetitive, endless, scathing personal attacks -- ethnic &
racial slurs, and wandering diatribes.  From my perspective, Tennis'
characterization as "toxic" was right on the money.  
My answer is "yes" to all of your queries-- I've never had any use for any
of it and I learned long ago not to blindly believe advertising (thought
everyone knew that!), until I've verified it for myself.  
I'm sure your "hopes" will continue to be granted-- there's no effective way
to deal with it except the delete filter.
At 09:39 AM 9/25/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Does the "Everything will make much more sense from that point forward"
>include the misleading advertising that TASC evidently allows in their
>magazine from Omega research?  I read TASC and I'm still waiting John
>Sweeney's response to these and other issues.  After all, he seemed to
>invite such concerns so I presume he will address them.
>Does the "Everything will make much more sense from that point forward"
>include those that have personally thanked Mark on this list becuase they
>were newbies and prior to Marks comments did not understand the seriousness
>and subtleties of the pitfalls in using TS?
>Does the "Everything will make much more sense from that point forward"
>include the money that some may have lost by being fooled into relying
>on some of the TS back-testing characteristics that cannot be duplicated
>in real time and such characteristics of TS are not documented by Omega
>in any way that helps the user beware?
>I could go on but if my point has not been understood thus far, additional
>examples will not help.
>Maybe Mark's comments are irrelevant to your trading.  Maybe you have not
>been mislead by the Omega ads as some may have.  Maybe you are not affected
>by some nasty gotchas in TS that others are.  Maybe you have not lost money
>usign TS because you've never relied on the "0 average bars in winning trades"
>systems that Omega has advertised with.
>But some may have and some on this list care deeply about these things.
>You're entitled to your opinion but I find the opinion you have expressed
>publicly on this list quoted above as serving no purpose in trading but
>rather to publicly denegrate Mark Brown.
>I don't always agree with Mark or others or even their way of saying things.
>However, Mark does remind me of pitfalls to avoid and problems to be aware of
>when using TS.  For that, at least, I am appreciative.
>I hope Mark continues posting some of the material I have seen from him.
>BTW, I hope Pierre does too.  I often disagree with him but I appreciate many
>of his posts.  Pierre and Mark seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum
>and they both take a lot of flack because of that.  I appreciate people
>who have the fortitude to stand up in the wake of of pressure from their
>antagonists and in spite comments like yours they still have the gumption
>to defend what they fervently believe.
>Chris Norrie 
>>> Just set your e-mail program to automatically delete anything that looks or
>> smells Brown -- 
>> Everything will make much more sense from that point forward.