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Re: Searching the Starr report

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Give me a break. If this was the Carter administration there would be no
Special Prosecutor, period. It is the Democrats who created the Special
Prosecutor statute with the sole intent of using it against Republicans
for political gain. As I stated previously, if Carter were the President
and the Republicans controlled the Congress they would not use the
Special Prosecutor statute as a political club, because although Carter
was a boob, he was basically honest and had integrity. The majority of
Democrats holding office are always partisan and always place the
interests of themselves followed by their party ahead of the interests
of the country every time. If you don't like the blueprint then you must
look at the last 60 years of Democrat rule as the creation and
perfection of this egregious procedure. Also, don't ever forget that it
was a Democrat controlled Congress that start the Special Prosecutor
ball rolling against Clinton precisely because there was credible
evidence that there may have been wrong doing. So, please stick the
blame where it belongs with the Democratic Party who created a
Frankenstein monster that has now turned on it's creators.

John F. Berentson wrote:
> Doug, and others:
> What concerns me in this matter is that this affair has drawn a blueprint
> for the method by which the out-of-office political party can force a
> President, elected by the people, from office without invoking a impeachment
> procedure. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that a sitting President can
> be subject to a civil suit, it is a simple matter to put a President in the
> situation of giving sworn testimony on politically embarrassing facts. If
> Clinton resigns, the blueprint will be complete and the change in national
> politics will be profound.
> For this reason only, I feel that it is important for Clinton to fight to
> his last breathe. For future ages, it is important to learn just how the
> impeachment procedure unfolds. Now is as good a time as any.
> Shaven Heads Trading  NYC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug Deming [mailto:doug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Saturday, September 12, 1998 5:51 PM
> To: Omega List Posts
> Subject: Re: Re:Searching the Starr report
> .................................. He should resign
> on his own now, or be forced to resign later during impeachment proceedings.