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Re: Searching the Starr report

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The really ironic part of this whole "special prosecuter" mess is that, following
Watergate, there was a great deal of frustration on the part of some Democrats
that the Special Prosecutor didn't have the freedom to do what some Democrats
wanted them to be able to do.

And so they appointed a brilliant young attorney who was then working as special
counsel to one of the committees of congress to come up with legislative
amendments to accomplish their goals.  The legislation passed, the law was
amended, and without that amendment Clinton would not nearly have the problems
that he has today.

The "brilliant" attorney's name?   Hillary Rodham.

jrehler@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Give me a break. If this was the Carter administration there would be no
> Special Prosecutor, period. It is the Democrats who created the Special
> Prosecutor statute with the sole intent of using it against Republicans
> for political gain. As I stated previously, if Carter were the President
> and the Republicans controlled the Congress they would not use the
> Special Prosecutor statute as a political club, because although Carter
> was a boob, he was basically honest and had integrity. The majority of
> Democrats holding office are always partisan and always place the
> interests of themselves followed by their party ahead of the interests
> of the country every time. If you don't like the blueprint then you must
> look at the last 60 years of Democrat rule as the creation and
> perfection of this egregious procedure. Also, don't ever forget that it
> was a Democrat controlled Congress that start the Special Prosecutor
> ball rolling against Clinton precisely because there was credible
> evidence that there may have been wrong doing. So, please stick the
> blame where it belongs with the Democratic Party who created a
> Frankenstein monster that has now turned on it's creators.