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Re: OpenIsamFile Failed?

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Did you not also get a CTREE error message while your Off-line Server
was up (something to the effect of "Omega Server could not open Target
File")?  If so, chances are that you were inadvertently pasting in data
contained in a corrupted data file.  This then corrupted your index file
(ISAM = Indexed Sequential Access Method).  In general, CTREE errors
imply corrupted index files.

Here's what I did (that worked) under similar circumstances about a year
age (running TS 4.0):

1. Delete: 40BONN5.IDX; 40BONN5.DAT; 40BONN.IDX
2. Bring up Off-line Server
3. Exit Off-line Server
4. Bring up On-line Server


> When I try to create a new ISAM data index file, I get the error msg:
>   "OpenIsamFile failed case 1"
> in a msg box.
> The only choice is to acknowledge the box and abort the rebuild.
> I'm getting this error msg during a paste-in operation.  I don't
> know if I'd get the same error if I remove the .idx file from my
> main data file, but I'm not about to risk a test at this point.
> Is anyone familiar with this part of TradeStation?  What could
> have come undone?  As far as I know, nothing has changed in my
> filesystem, but unless TS has a timebomb that says OpenIsamFile
> will stop working as of Sept 10, 1998, SOMETHING must have got
> lost, some dll, or something?
> I find it hard to believe that the BMI date fiasco could have
> broken something, but that's the biggest disturbance I've had
> recently.  I haven't even had a GPF for months.  I am getting
> a bit short on disc space.  Should rebuilding an ISAM index
> take massive amounts of disc?  Copying out doesn't seem to.
> Needless to say, this failure is a disaster of major proportions.
> As many of you know, I'm still using TS 3.5, primarily because,
> until last night, I could import custom data into its tick database.
> This ability allows, for example, backup data from sources like
> FutureSource, and most importantly for me, allows creation of
> real-time "continuous" contracts, so that at S+P rollover, I've
> got a meaningful chart of the new contract, using the adjusted
> old contract.  I create a TS-style .dat file from whatever data
> I'm starting with, then put it in the paste-in directory and let
> TS "rebuild the corrupted index file."  Until last night.
> Of course, I immediately distrusted my .dat file.  But when I
> copied out some data from TS, and removed the index file, and
> tried to paste-in that data file, I got the same error msg box.
> So I'm pretty confident that something has broken in TS.
> I had hoped to share the rollover data I created last night, as
> I did last rollover, but I don't know if it'll work for anyone
> without that .idx file.  In the meantime, I'll put the two files
> I DO have, the no-suffix file, and the .dat file, on my ftp site
> later today, and if anyone cares to try pasting-in with those
> (I'm pretty sure you'll need TS 3.5, not TS 4.0) files, and if
> it works, maybe they'd be so kind as to send me the .idx file
> so I can use it too.
> And if someone can help me get my own paste-in function working
> again, I'll share the format of the .dat file, so you can write
> your own data generator.
> Jim