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Re: Speculators running for cover

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Gerrit wrote:
> The Americans however are trying to play hardball with the Russians 
> and are telling them that they must sort out their problems first 
> before they get any further money. One of the reasons why the 
> Americans take this stance is because their investment banks have 
> been basically cheated by the Russians.

Right. It's called throwing good money after bad. Why should the US
government (read why should *I* as a US citizen) give money to the
Russian government when most of it will be wasted and very little will
be used to improve their economy? 

I certainly have no interest in having my tax dollars used to improve
the lifestyle of a few Russian "oligarchs" or, for that matter, bailing
out US banks and hedge funds that made a bad investment in Russia.

Wouldn't it be nice if we little guys could find such a sweetheart deal?
Make a risky trade and, if it goes bad, the government will step in and
cover our losses.
